Majik's (AKA MajikVixen, AKA MajikVixen Lorefield, AKA BlueVioletVixen Lorefield) thoughts on her travels thru Second Life and real life.
Wednesday, January 11, 2023
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Zamargad & ^v^/<|;) (Bats Out Of Hats), Expanded & Redecorated
Well, helloOoOoOoo, nurse!
Despite an industrial powerstrip, I believe that one of the unusually abundant, stupid, fucking thunderstorms took out my data drive, a little less than 2 weeks after getting this newer computer... So, fuck you, mother nature and backfiring technology! ...It makes using Photoshop (and EVERY important program I need, that the data drive was intended for), fucking painful as all hell!
Additionally, my RL birthday seems to trigger every goddamned gov't agency to come outta the woodwork and threaten to take away everything I need from them to survive... So of course I was busy chasing down a bunch of paperwork and jumping a mega thousand hoops to prevent losing my so-called life your fucking pandemic (...which might be a ploy to help weed out the less fortunate folk from the human race, IMO). So of course, when all that bullshit is done, then I might have time to take this thing to the shop and be able to enjoy it as intended, OMFG!
And yup, looks like Blogger also upgraded their user interface, which I am *NOT* particularly a fan of anything other than "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." ...Unnecessarily capitalizing "store" in the labels (no matter how I try to manipulate fixing it), not showing the Search Description without the drop-down being activated (so the "I can't fucking read this" pic link won't be revealing the same shit), automatically generating a paragraph space with just one touch of the Enter key instead of two (annoying, but thank gawd they kept the HTML edit option ...color-coded now & easier to edit, much like a Pastebin), and OH, but, yes, picture staggering and words on either side of them are now even MORE of a PITA (because you can't drag/drop images anymore) ...fucking backward, self-defeating, idiotic, Millenial bastards, just for starters! xD But whatthefuckever, at least my blog is still intact at the end of the day ...My sanity, on the other hand... (well, that was Gone With The Wind, eons ago)! :p
...Plus a few other major world drama BS changes that I'm just going to go ahead and omit for meow. :ppppppppppppp
Alrighty, so back to the original intent of this post...
I went from owning all of my Zamargad region, down to the smallest parcel for a while, to help pay off some RL debt. And well, now that my loan is finally paid off, I recently bought back another small parcel! :) ...Now we own the whole South portion! :DThe sign at the top of the bridge is our logo, touching it will give you helpful information.
Right beneath it are the two spinning boxes for touchable options of joining/leaving the store group and/or Subscribr.
On the wall is our advertisement board that you can also touch for more information about Zamargad and such.
We haven't done away with our beloved Batlings we draw from the name bowl, that's right there on the floor too.
The lava lamp is our tip jar ...TYSM (should you feel any inclination)...
And in the background, at the next arch, you can see the Caspervend redelivery too...
The huge rez platform sits right above our store.
...Take the purple vortex back to the main store.
Saturday, March 14, 2020
How To Survive Crazy-Making & RAWK Your Second Life
So I'm going to show you a bit about some really awesome discounts that go on in SL (for almost every day of the week), from all kinds of creators (yes, even with mesh), for under L$100! Because my new rule is that if it's not on sale, or I didn't earn the L$ (by playing "a fishing game" or something) within SL, then I'm not gonna fucking buy it!
...Meanwhile, why new posts tend to take a long time (around real-life work/chores and all that, of course, too), just so you know, is because I am working on a couple of projects in the background that involve:
- Updating this blog... Mostly for my favorite Places in my Picks, to give more information + some of them have moved, OMG.
- Helping Momma Rana get her Transgender Hate Crime & Suicide Memorial plaques up to date from 2015 to the present ...And let me just take a moment to tell you that it's unbelievable how much violence, hate, and shame this world unnecessarily has... In this list of people we're working with, from the 1970's until 2015, there are over 1K names on there (just of the recorded incidents). A lot of these people range from ages as early as 14, 16, and 20. And they don't just "go silently into the night," they were dismembered, burned alive, stabbed or shot over 10 times, etc. ...I feel it's important to finish these plaques to the present, to give honor to those who were unjustly punished for being true to themselves. I am also proud that the recreation of these plaques look just as good as the old ones (if not possibly slightly improved). I work on them in my spare time, but for now, you can join the TG Hate Crimes Memorial Project group to stay up to date (as last I checked, they have events like dances and raffles to help raise awareness), by copying this into nearby chat for a clickable link: secondlife:///app/group/03ec4da9-71fc-ddf6-f158-e1346f858fe2/about
- Finally, after playing "fishing games" in SL for several years and enjoying them very much... I was thinking that there has to possibly be a slightly better way to earn L$ faster (when you don't really have the time/equipment to make mesh so well). Coincidentally, while going thru the Community Events, I came across something that suggested empowerment. And you know, I would love to know how my avatar "ranks" as far as being pretty. Plus, I think it would be nice to practice some smutty writing skills ...So... I am thinking about applying to be a dancer or escort at a high-end club! Yup. The particular place I might become a part of has certain requirements, like that you cannot ever wear prim or flexi clothing... So it's been really fun going to events like Whore Couture (01MAR20 - 31MAR20) and Kinky (28FEB20 - 22MAR20) to find all kinds of EXTREMELY sexy clothing (plus sleuthing out what the best buy is for either "event-only," MP, or inworld stores options)! ...My only problem is that if you guys think the object of SL is to look more realistic (so mesh clothing is a must), then why do some of these lingerie pieces not stay snug against my body? BoM is new, hip, & in... So I really hope you all reconsider your views on "mesh only" options, seriously!!! Helps cut down on lag too!
- My son, Eddy, and I did also manage to visit another Townies event for St. Patty's! This year, you can gold mine, and you're very lucky if you find all 4 gold bar prizes in each of the 4 rooms. Go check it out, and copy this Townies group URI into nearby chat to join their group and stay updated on the next holiday town event: secondlife:///app/group/7ecd7ffb-ed50-c5c2-baec-0b4df3d54264/about
- And, OMG, CasperVend worked thru a SL update, so now I need to update my store's Holovend crap ...fucketty-fuck-fuck!!! ...Oh, but I survived the Maitreya and the Alienum updates, thank gawds!!! :D
A while ago (+ being a dark fae / succubus, and therefore always interested in sexy cothing)... I joined the Graffitiwear group, copy/paste into nearby chat: secondlife:///app/group/372f4da2-57a7-4387-9693-228c806853ae/about (which I think was introduced to me from the CATWA HEAD Friends group, copy/paste into nearby chat: secondlife:///app/group/29c5ca14-7e13-fdf0-c531-2507844a1eef/about or the Maitreya Lara Friends group, copy/paste into nearby chat: secondlife:///app/group/7fe09f12-111a-9e64-d60e-5faef1dd4b69/about).
Anyhoo, Chalice Piers Fortune (chalice.piers) would post these notices about discounts her line is involved in, like the "Fifty5 Thursday" advertisements...
The latest Fifty5 Thursday notecard reads,
"Welcome to Fifty5 Thursday's Weekly Sales Event 3-5-20
"Sale starts at 7AM Thursdays, through Sunday. Some designers keep it going the whole week.
"*Please note each store is checked to be sure these items are available to you for the sale. The designers are awesome at having them ready in time, but at times (RL) and SL puts a hold on things. Please give at least 24 hours before contacting me and/or the designer/s about this, as I do let them know personally that we are waiting.

And, yeah... I started going to these different designer's places to see what they had for sale (not just for clothing, BTW, objects, textures, sometimes full perm stuff is also offered). Some sales run all week, or only for their selected day/s. At any rate, it's a great way to keep your merchandise before the public.
I think Graffitiwear is also involved in the Frisky Friday list, but I'll tell you why I now hate that list... This year, they started doing something different. Instead of being upfront and showing me all the items ppl were selling at a discount, they'd feature some things in their list that weren't necessarily on a discount/+anymore (to get the consumer interested)... Which then turns into a sort of hunt, and annoying NC-back-&-forth with designers (bullshit, really, for both the consumer and the seller)! And that came about because sometimes the NCs don't pop the landmark up when you click them (and no SLURL = listed), so I thought my original problem in finding these things was that. But when I contacted the creator of the NC, and eventually found out the truth ...I was like (privately, to myself, because I didn't wanna be a completely rude asshole), "Well, thanks, but no thanks." Like seriously, fuck that. I may be poor and desperate, but my time is valuable, and there's PLENTY of other discount lists out there (& I think for that reason too, I don't really like the "My 60L Secret Sale List" either)...
One designer I visited, was involved in a different discount list for practically EVERY DAY of the week! ...So you know what I did? I subscribed to ALL of those lists, mwahahaha! One thing lead to another and now I'm currently subscribed to about 10 lists consisting of ".::Secret Sale Sundays::.," "35L Sunday Sale List," "25L Tuesdays," "Fifty5 Thursday," "Fly Buy Fridays," "30L Saturday Shopping," "55L Saturday Sales Spree," "OFFICIAL S&D - Steals And Deals - Sale Ads," and the "Super Sales Weekend Lists."

...And see, some of these discount lists come in HUDs (a "heads up device" that displays only on your screen, not your avatar) that will teleport you if you see something you like, from scrolling thru the images via the arrows. ♥
((And yus, I can do this while playing Alienum, too)) :p
...And yeah, you see all that shit on my screen and think that's something only a complicated badass would do? Lemmie make it a little less complicated for you too, then!
...And yes, if creators don't have a demo for me to try, I'm not buying their shit, it's as simple as that. Sorry, but fuck you. I mean, I will try. I will try to find their demo on MP. And if it's not there, is really an interesting item that I don't think I already have in some other form, and I absolutely can't live without it ...I may send the creator a NC to see if I can try a demo. But I've been met by some snobs who think their shit don't stink for being under L$100... And you know what? I don't need to be nickel and dimed for shit that doesn't cover my fucking nipples exactly, 'k?! So, no demo, no buy. Fuck off. You wanna be a douche and charge me a L$1 for your demo, that's fine. I'd rather pay the L$1, than have an outfit I bought but can't feel comfortable wearing, even in a Moderate region.

Always, always try a demo!
Always turn your camera around IN ALL ANGLES to make sure what you're wearing fits (and if you're building something, that it LOOKS CORRECT)!
Damn it.
Always, always delete the shit in the demo you don't need (like clothing for bodies that are NOT yours). Save on inventory space. Save on sanity.

CTRL key highlights one thing at a time.
Neat trick to organizing your inventory + still being able to buy a shit-ton of decent stuff! ...I might sell this cheap little box at a later point, but I dunno... You could really just make your own!!! ;)
...So that, my friends, is pretty much what I've been up to and how I've been enjoying SL lately. I hope you can appreciate the tips/tricks I showed you, and that they help you enjoy your SL as well! I look forward to sharing more new things with you, but until then, we shall have to catch each other on the flip-side!
Sunday, December 29, 2019
Original hand-drawn fashion at affordable prices. Unique, stylish. Slink, Physique, Maitreya, TMP, rigged mesh, Tonic, Belleza, Hourglass, lace, bikini, pants, jeans, dresses, skirt, top, sweater, nightie, jammies.
Monday, June 25, 2018
Some Well Deserved SL Feedback
Fuck your mesh hair that's plastered on. Flexi looks more realistic, thank you. I don't know what the fuck you all are thinking, with mesh hair being superior, but you all are high as fuck!
...Same goes for mesh clothing. WTF? Clothes aren't plastered on our bodies in RL! If the purpose of looking better in SL is to look more realistic, WTF are you doing in mesh clothing and mesh hair? For men, I can kind of understand, but flexi needs to be incorporated into mesh dresses, to say the least. And forget mesh clothing if you're still a classic avatar and trying to be unique, OMG.
Now, I'll agree with you that the mesh bodies look better. I love how the Maitreya Lara gives me that body shape I have in RL.
And Catwa doesn't do too bad a job with the Bento Lilly head. ...Although, it would have been nice to know ahead of time that a few additions (like body jewelry) can only be applied to specific heads, that deductively have been around longer. That probably would have influenced my decision in the original purchase, but overall, I'm happy with the shape and look of Lilly, honestly.
Not all mesh clothing is completely fucked up. I like FitMesh. That stretches well, to a point, on the mesh body. Thank goodness the creators of the mesh body had the foresight to put in a detailed alpha section in the HUD, otherwise, when I sit down, my ass pokes through a lot of mesh clothing, OMG, embarrassing.
And Developer Kits! Thank gawd creators allowed these things to the public! I was able to give myself a widow's peak, apply my old skin (adding old tattoos), and make my own clothing. Thank gawd. Praise be to you, creators of Maitreya and Catwa, you are the rulers of SL!
BTW, fuck you, if you don't like my facelight. I fucking love it. I get it, I "don't need it," "it's outdated," I know the skin I made doesn't need it because my nose looks fine and Catwa makes a great head... but... try to see it from my POV... How poetically ironic and artistic to have a dark creature be a source of light with her essence? ...Besides, what if I like being in the spotlight, like the star of my own show? Hmm, imagine playing SL and having the gumption to think such. So yeah, you know what? Fuck you for not taking control of your own SL enough to go to Advanced>Show Debug Settings>RenderAttachedLights>FALSE. It's not that hard.
Also, this complexity thing... WTF? LL created a bunch of assholes with this. Seriously. I thought SL was about being whoever you wanted to be, as unique and as artistically poetic as you are individual snowflake, you. My perfect typer that has a bunch of bats, flames, and sparkles -alone, adds 100k complexity to me! *huge fucking sad face* My friend's wedding ring adds 100k to her as well. So, we don't get to be who we are, because we have to worry about whether someone else is going to see us or not.
Now... typically, I do not give a fuck, because I'm in this platform for me, really... but, if I'm doing something important (like helping at a newcomer-friendly place, for example), everyone important criticises me about my complexity. As if SL wasn't snobby enough already? Everyone's jumping off the cliff, you should too. ...Tell me how in the hell I am supposed to have wings, a tail, jewelry, clothing, and hair, that won't be over 100k? Even with the "fuck-you-I-give-in" mesh hair. If it's really that important, complexity values should be added to MP listings, just like prims. Simple as that.
Yeah, I noticed you called me a "lag hag," but the skin on your neck from your mesh body doesn't blend well... so... uhm... go fuck yourself, you retard snob hypocrite! :D SL is a 15-year-old pioneered virtual reality platform, that devotes more money to its next generation of Sansar, than its original design (because all we get is more "crowd control" guidance than upgrades). Hmm. Yup. ...Although the one good thing that's LL has allowed is 3rd party viewers like Firestorm. :)
The only thing complexity is good for, is jelly-dolling everyone in a high traffic area, so my laptop can barely function in peace and I might be able to get shit done. I'm pretty sure everyone feels pretty much the same here. ...And then I wonder what the point of meeting ppl in high traffic areas is... and then I contemplate the point of SL whatsoever...
Oh, don't worry, I still have a long career of dumping thousands of dollars into what I do best. I'm sure many others will continue to follow suit as well. The fact that I care to so vehemently express my views, just goes to show you how much I am... still in this. But I just thought I'd point out a few stupid things I have noticed, because I'm just dumbfounded into a complete WTF moment here. Who the hell are these "ordained people" to tell me how I should look, when they don't even know how the fuck to enjoy the platform, other than advocating criticising others?
...Leads to a good economy, right?
Speaking of the economy... I get the purpose of having teleport routing set to landing point only. Makes ppl look harder for the crap they came there for, to begin with, so they get lost and end up buying a bunch of other shit they didn't see/need the first fucking million times that have been there in the past... Believe me, I get that strategy. It works. ...But if your place is laggy as fuck because you're so goddamned popular... and you don't at least put out a TP poster or something to ALL essential areas of your shop: you are a motherfucking cunt. ...Are you also selling IBM? Because if my computer takes a shit at your place, guess what? You ain't gettin' my L$... and I bet that's the case for a lot of ppl who use SL. Believe me. The ones with the badass gaming systems are all playing WOW or some other BS ...not worrying about whether or not they can get to the badass goodies that you so meanly neglected to put on the MP! :p
Next topic on places and economy... "Human only" places. You guys are *SO* full of hoity-toity bullshit and the most racist and discriminatory motherfucking cocksucking nazis in the entire grid. ...Really? You want a boring, conformist place where only humans can spend their L$ at? - On a platform that encourages creativity (which the motherfucking economy depends on)... and was made in order to allow anyone to be whoever they want so they could escape their first life? Gee, that makes SO much sense, we should then deductively conclude that Otherkin are poor as fuck in SL. :p ...So lemmie get this straight: you want to force ppl to be who they are NOT in SL? *SMH* I gotta tell you... as a succubus being denied access to an adult place... uhm... you guys just defined the financial code of un-ethics. Good job. Think about that for a minute. While you are pulling your head outta your ass, I will make sure to double my tips to the next place that isn't as socially and financially retarded as you, and pass the good word on to everyone I know about how you really feel. I'm sure all the n00bs have lots of L$ to give ya instead anyway. :D And BTW, that was just an example of what happens, and only the tip of the iceberg. All you human only places are just living in your own bubble of perfection ...a real recipe for disaster. Equality and fair treatment is for everyone: end of story. Welcome to 2019!
I'm sure there's more. Let me think on it for a while.
Meanwhile, take two of these and blow me in the morning. :)