Step 1: Let it download, it's not a fucking virus, you paranoid moron (see the link while hovering mouse over).
Step 2: rig Flash to work anyway, despite the Nazis.
...Fun fact, this was a hidden clickable on the ORIGINAL Rasputina website that Web Archive DOES NOT have a snapshot of! I found it and played it SO much that I remembered the link, itself (the one and only time being old might just be cool). ...You're welcome, you ungrateful fuck. xD
08MAY23 - VNV Nation "Run" ...I fucking L♥VE the accidentals in this!
16MAY23 - 6IX9INE "STOOPID", I thought something was so stupid that it warranted being spelled "stoopid" ... then I looked it up on Google and it turned out there was a video for it! xD ...Don't usually dig rap, but this is very colorful, they actually called/recorded a rapper in jail, makes me smile, and is, therefore, extremely well done!
21MAY23 - Rachel Zeffira "The Deserters" ...Only been waiting for Radio Paradise to play this again FOR A FUCKING MONTH, been stuck in my head and driving me nuts as to WTF it was, OMG