Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Alpha Glitch, NO MORE!

Alpha Glitch, NO MORE!
Hello, all!

I just wanted to take the time to share something very important that I recently learned about fixing alpha glitches ...which wasn't quite so obvious to me!  :)

First, let's back up just a bit...
I briefly touch on what an alpha glitch is (showing the difference between alpha masking and alpha blending) in ---> this post.

And yes, I am very stubborn about my looks.  I mean, if I'm going to invest a ridiculous amount of time in defining myself, I don't want to necessarily have to reinvent the wheel all over again in a couple months or so (believe it or not, I do have other shit to do in SL)!  xD  

...That being said... I have long hair, period!  \m/

Thus, for the vast majority of time, I would definitely avoid buying outfits that would alpha glitch with my gorgeous lengthy mane ... As it seemed too much of a waste of energy to keep complaining to asking Creators to use alpha masking instead of alpha blending!

(It's important to note that both flexi and mesh hair have alpha transparencies, so this issue will need to be dealt with eventually, in one way or another.)


Did you know that YOU have the power to fix wearables that alpha glitch?  :o  
...'Cause I sure didn't!!!

...And especially this priority list ---> https://slalphaglitch.tumblr.com/

Now let me show you how this indeed works...!
Unpacking and dressing "-siss boom-ornate top maitreya" from Lestat Reuven
Okay, so here I am in my awesome skybox, unpacking treasures from the weekly sales ...and this is one of my very lovely guilty pleasures, "-siss boom-ornate top maitreya" from Lestat Reuven...

Watch what happens with this top and my hair, when I spin the camera around...
Minor alpha glitch with long hair
See how my hair cuts thru the shirt?

This example, in particular, isn't a HUGE deal because, believe me, I've experienced MUCH worse (we could be dealing with hair over breasts and the alpha glitch unexpectedly showing nipples! --which could also be fixed by utilizing BoM, but we'll stick to the remedy I just discovered, for now).  ...If the object of SL is to look as realistic as possible, even a tiny little thing like this is bound to drive some of us absolutely bonkers!  xD

So let's take a look at what attachment point my hair has been added to...
My Sintiklia hair attachment point is the Skull
On the far right of my inventory, it says my hair is worn on my Skull.

Skull is priority 2 on the priority list, which seems great!  

So now, let's check the attachment point of my shirt...
My Siss Boom shirt attachment point is the Chest
On the far right of my inventory, it says my shirt is worn on my Chest.

Chest is priority 1 on the priority list... 

Now, as pointed out to me by my dear friend, DD, this is theoretically also a great attachment point... Because if you were to, say, for instance, wear a shirt attached to your Right Hand at a crowded club... it would likely take forever for it to render to others in the correct spot on your avatar (meanwhile, you'd be giving everyone a free show if you didn't BoM or alpha out your nipples and such)!  xD

Now, both my hair and the shirt are:
  • No mod (which means I cannot edit them, other than possibly moving them on my avatar...)
  • Rigged mesh (which means I cannot move them on my avatar to inspect root prims for transparency)
And when I try to rez my hair, it gives me this message in nearby chat, "Hair Tami Bento FITTED breast size 1: 
You are not allowed to rezz this object, please wear only!"


My next recourse is to try:
  • Detaching the shirt
  • Right-clicking it from inventory
  • Selecting "Attach To"
  • And picking a different spot (other than Chest)
Keeping in mind what DD explained to me + the priority list, I think I will try Spine  :)

I will even jump off my posing stand, walk around a bit, and relog to see if the alpha glitch is truly fixed by this method...
Adding to a different attachment point via the priority list is a successful alpha glitch fix!
...And, well!  As you can see... It looks like that was successful!

You can now detach your fixed wearable, and next time you Add it from inventory, it will automatically remember its new selected attachment point!

...Never, never Wear anything from inventory, always select Add...  Because more often than not, when you Wear instead of Add, if your avatar has something else on that same attachment point, it might be detached (some other fun SL glitch)!  xD

But now you have the freedom to buy anything you love by, most importantly, NOT HAVING TO WORRY ABOUT ALPHA GLITCHING ANYFUCKINGMORE!!!  :D  \m/


*throws confetti*

...Enjoy!  ♥

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