Thursday, April 14, 2022

"Judge Me,"

 she said, with venom.  With the meaning of ripping wings off a freshly spawned phoenix.  As if she even owed an explanation.

I have many unpublished posts from late:

"Judge Me,"

"Tao of Fehu" was about power.  Decided to not publish because everyone would figure out who that was about, and I'm not done on hope with them yet.

"Tell Me A Story" was personal.  Mostly about Lilith and Samael.  Unpublished because it mixed RL & SL and was never good enough for such a battle of deformation (when it was more intended as an adoration piece, but likely -and sadly- would never be interpreted as such).

"Sell Me This Pen" was a mock to see if I could write about something dry and straightforward.  I didn't like it and decided that job wasn't worth it anyway, so everyone can just go fuck off with that.

"Fuck You" was a piece about the plague pandemic and how everyone being forced to take the vaccine or wear a mask, somehow sarcastically relates to how doctors can force women to get pap smears every year (just so she can get the pill -because men are too selfish to get vasectomies).  Go figure, on why I didn't publish that very complicated and backward insult that nobody would quite get.

"Wouldn't It Be Nice" was a fictitious tale of love I was going write, along the same lines of selling you a pen that I also didn't care to.

One of these was actually published, ignoring my own personal rules of pictures and "I can't fucking read this!" links, but with a purpose.

"Come At Me, Bro" is a collection of commentary on the unnecessary flack I get from fishing and/or my ranks, but as it treads on violating the TOS, I obviously didn't publish it (however, it is ready for that right moment, should an unjust/stupid ban ever come to fruition).

...I just find that I seem to be more at peace with myself lately than ready to spew my normal thought-provoking toxin.  I enjoy fishing and weekly sales more than I do anything else lately.  Lucky you.  Although, perhaps one day I would feel the calling to actually publish those posts.

But as one of my posts from over a year ago was brought to my attention as some sorta prophetic gospel, from not really a fan, but more of a judgemental stalker... I just thought I'd take a few moments to point out that: 
  • I'm not dead.  I'm not thwarted, either.  I am Majik.
  • You do not own me, I am my own entity that cannot be bribed in any way.  I do not work for you or anyone else.  
  • An uncontrollable spirit of creativity possesses me and takes over to communicate whatever it wants.  
  • I will not be cut up, smooshed into a specific cookie-cut shape, or molded to fit whatever reflection pleases you.  I am uncensored and like it that way.  
  • I do have the final say, however.  Some is published and shared.  Some is not.  
  • And in the journalistic interest of getting things right the first time, as well as seeing growth, I do not take anything down.  Retractions may be done, if necessary, but no editing on published articles.
  • I have many posts.  Some controversially outweigh the others in some huge twist of irony... Or perhaps, more likely, I am undecided on a definite stance.  The fact that you pick out one in the midst of many, says how superficially narrow and unworthy you are of judgment, however.
I am willing to live with those consequences.  Anyone who cannot appreciate those notions, doesn't deserve me entertaining them.  And likewise, you have the right to take yourself elsewhere and very simply not entertain me either.

I'll also refer you back to the Home-Page and Archives for purpose and timeline.

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