Tuesday, April 30, 2024

WoW Stuffs!ㅤ\m/

(this entry shall be updated from time to time)

MajikVixen, Undead Warlock

MajikVixen - Undead Warlock - Starting Out!
As a birthday gift, Samael got me Classic WoW (to appreciate things from square one), and I absolutely fell in l♥ve...!
(and I will also eventually join him in "retail" WoW)   :)

Majik's WoW Professions - by MajikVixen

MajikVixen - Undead Warlock - Almost Mount Level!

MajikVixen - Undead Warlock - Almost Level 60!

MajikVixen - Undead Warlock - Pretty Armour
Current armour, as just a pretty, hanging-out, "girly" coordination thing ...my better raiding gear, I keep in the bank  ;)

Current "pretty" armour goals (totally ignoring cookie-cutter Best-In-Slot stuffs):

Jazrak & MajikVixen - Some Pretty Armour Goals Met
I don't really know about these "pretty armour goals" I had...

MajikVixen - Undead Warlock - Raid Armour
...I pretty much wear my raid gear all the time now, even tho all classes end up looking the same ol' kinda boring same...
'cause it certainly protects you better when you wanna kill shit!

...But I do love things like my Onyxia helm and most other things that everyone helped me get!  \m/

MajikVixen - Undead Warlock - Armour Goals?
These are 2 possible versions of me from the Dressing Room...
...I am still working on the Abyssal Cloth Amice (thank you, Lord Everun, for absolutely never dropping the Twilight Cultist Ring of Lordship)...
And I don't think I'm able to go to Naxx anytime soon ('cause I still am kinda n00b)
...So I'm kinda in an in-between phase until fate allows for some ideas!

I love my Jubjub!
Morja - by MajikVixen

Jubjub Jubling will hatch in 7 days! - by MajikVixen Jubjub Jubling will hatch in 6 days! - by MajikVixen Jubjub Jubling will hatch in 5 days! - by MajikVixen Jubjub Jubling will hatch in 4 days! - by MajikVixen
Jubjub Jubling will hatch in 3 days! - by MajikVixenJubjub Jubling will hatch in 2 days! - by MajikVixenJubjub Jubling will hatch in less than 1 day! - by MajikVixen
Jubjub Jubling will be ready to hatch soon! - by MajikVixen
Jubjub Jubling is now ready! - by MajikVixen
OMG, my Jubjub Jubling is so damned cute! - by MajikVixen
Well worth the wait!  ♥
...Jubjub chirps when clicked and randomly + catches flies!

I tried to recreate myself in SL, but this is as far as I got...

Trying to make myself an Undead Warlock in Second Life (Front) - by Majikvixen Trying to make myself an Undead Warlock in Second Life (Back) - by Majikvixen Trying to make myself an Undead Warlock in Second Life (Face) - by Majikvixen Trying to make myself an Undead Warlock in Second Life (Working on the Mouth, Phase 1) - by Majikvixen Trying to make myself an Undead Warlock in Second Life (Working on the Mouth, Phase 2) - by Majikvixen Trying to make myself an Undead Warlock in Second Life (Working on the Mouth, Phase 3) - by Majikvixen Trying to make myself an Undead Warlock in Second Life (Working on the Mouth, Photoshop) - by Majikvixen Trying to make myself an Undead Warlock in Second Life (Skeleton, Face, Phase 4) by MajikVixen
Trying to make myself an Undead Warlock in Second Life (Skeleton, Back) by MajikVixen Trying to make myself an Undead Warlock in Second Life (Skeleton, Front) by MajikVixen

...Dropping Rend!

Dropping Rend Head World Buff! - by MajikVixen
clickable full screenie
('cause, yeah, Rend is a full-on coordinated Azeroth faction thing ...most of the time, LOL!) 
Dropping Rend Head World Buff, Text - by MajikVixen
Buffs - by MajikVixen
...The first 3 buffs are Samael's 'cause he's a Priest...
...The one that looks like a sunset is the Rend buff...
...The skeleton horse is my mount...
...And the last 3 are my Warlock Demon Armour + Soulbound Pet stuffs...


Molten Core Victory - by MajikVixen
All hail the guild co-ops, the healers, and the fire pots ...Ragnaros bit the dust!  \m/
(& I'm just lovin' the Felheart gear drops!)

Retail, The War Within...
(MajikVixen, Undead Hunter)

MajikVixen - Undead Hunter
Alright!  So!
I have finally joined Retail WoW with a real toon!
...I know it's kinda hard to see in this pic, but, at least I finally learned that Ctrl + z makes the interface disappear, LOL!

Samael thought I should be a Hunter, so I could collect pets (& that's pretty damned cool, TBH)!
All I do is mash the keyboard like I'm playing the piano and shit dies (so much easier than in Classic ...LMFAO)!  xD

Thank you very much, to Samael for boosting me!!!
(I was just so fucking sad after earning everything I did in Classic and then having to do it all over again in Retail)
The boost came with the Black Widow pet (that I named "Mortisha"), but Samael and I went to go get the Purple Dredbat (that I named "Batty")
(and that wasn't easy, 'cause the boost comes with some portals missing, so I had to earn those)
(and, yup, portals are set up all over the place now, it's no longer exclusive to Mages)
...And I will also have to continue earning one more Renown (no longer called "Rep" - short for "Reputation") to learn how to tame Lesser Dragonkin...

But the very first thing I did was earn my Scourgebound Vanquisher mount, and I am kinda proud of that (but, yeah, thank you, Retail, for making it only take like a day or so to get ... and thank you, Samael, for acting like a n00b in nearby chat to make sure I knew how to get it before you slept for work)!  ♥

Samael also gave me a few Battle Pets (reference the Jubling, if you scroll up, but they're no longer called "Companion Pets" and, apparently, not only can you change their name, but you can battle them, like in Pokemon or something)
...My favorite one is "Spanky" the Blazehound!  :D

There's some other really awesome and cool stuff that Samael set me up with too...
like a Dalaran Hearthstone (apparently, it has an awesome Toy Shop),
a Garrison Hearthstone (which is like a mini-town you can build, and apparently chicks -or maybe even SL folk- dig it),
and a Traveler's Tundra Mammoth mount (so you can repair or sell shit no matter where you are)
...Perhaps I'll show some of it off later (right now I wanna play, but I gotta go be work's slave)!

MajikVixen & Samael - TWW
We took a break, while questing the new expansion, to pose for a pic!
(from left to right: Batty, my pet bat ... MajikVixen ... Samael ... Jack, my Battle Pet ... Mortisha, my upgraded/purple pet spider)

MajikVixen - Undead Hunter - Flight to Lodge
Yup, I've started the Hunter Campaign to get Feathermanes now!
(I have already learned how to get Lesser Dragonkin)

...If you take a flight path from Dalaran to the Hunter's Lodge (instead of the free Eagle), your mount will become the Wind Rider & give you a beautiful pic opportunity!

MajikVixen - Undead Hunter - Updated Armour
...I like black and skulls and cool shit like that...
...And all the best armour that looks like that comes from doing PvP shit...
...So Samael and I took about a day break from our normal routine to get enough Honor currency, so I could buy this transmog from the Shadowlands!  >:D  \m/

I love the Shadowlands... That's also where my Runestags came from!

The crossbow is a transmog that came from the Trading Post!  >:)

Hathôr, Tauren Warrior

Hathor - Tauren Warrior - Starting Out! - by MajikVixen
Hathôr is pursuing the insane goal of becoming exalted (or as close as she can get) with Orgrimmar
(because a cow riding a wolf mount is fucking badass), by level 40!

She is currently abusing the Chen's Empty Keg quest to do so

So I have to be careful when I play her, because it's a bit backward
in needing to get the least amount of experience possible (will take forever to level),
while getting the most reputation!

Hathor's WoW Professions - by MajikVixen
Hathor - Tauren Warrior - Fighting For Rep! - by MajikVixen

Hathor's Working on Org Rep - by MajikVixen
Hathôr says, "It's interesting that I get to kill a bunch of Kodos to gain Org rep!"
(because Kodos are Tauren mounts and are also what Chen's Empty Keg quest needs)
"I'm going to take advantage of it for as long as I can," she adds, hoping not to abuse her helpful friends too much during the upcoming harder quests

...Don't worry, Hathôr, I'm sure Majik has plenty of runecloth from trying to get those ridiculous shoulders in Silithus to drop!  :p

Marr, Troll Rogue

Marr - Troll Rogue - Starting Out! - by MajikVixen
Marr was named after the powerful sister character in my favorite book, "The Thief of Always" by Clive Barker

Marr's WoW Professions - by MajikVixen

Marr - Troll Rogue - Mounted! - by MajikVixen

MajikVixen, Night Elf Druid

MajikVixen - Night Elf Druid - Almost Mount Level! - by MajikVixen
I regret that I didn't take any earlier pix...
I sorta got tunnel-vision and wished to catch this one up to Samael's other toon that reincarnated from Hardcore   :p

Majik's Druid WoW Professions - by MajikVixen


WoW Fishing & in SL:

Weekly Fishing Contest - by MajikVixen
...I wonder which came first, the chicken or the egg?  :p

Clan/Kingdom Joke of Wili Clip's AFK Orc - by MajikVixen
So Wili Clip, of Linden Gold Hunt, has this Orc statue thing at his Business Park headquarters region that will send you home if you are AFK
...All the serious LGH players think this is hilarious!  xD

"What do you prefer, Horde or Alliance?" (SL version):

Zamargad WoW Flag - by MajikVixen
I added this WoW flag to Zamargad


Fun shit:

Funny shit:

Microsoft CoPilot AI Art:

Samael's AI Art Request Intro - by MajikVixen
Samael's AI Art Request #1 - shared by MajikVixen
"this is wild"
"omg, wow"
"it thought ur voidwalker was small and flying there
no clue why"
Samael's AI Art Request #2 - shared by MajikVixen
"made ur voidwalker a dragon here
why a dragon?"
Samael's AI Art Request #3 - shared by MajikVixen
"again gets voidwalker wrong
I love the frogs
they capture neopets/wow"
"True... I like this one the best with the 2nd voidwalker, lol"
Samael's AI Art Request #4 - shared by MajikVixen
"No, that one's the best!  xD"
Samael's AI Art Request #5 - shared by MajikVixen
"No, that one is!  xD"
Samael's AI Art Request #6 - shared by MajikVixen
Samael's AI Art Request #7 - shared by MajikVixen
"this one ur frogs in armor battles with u?"
"That's kinda cute, lol"
Samael's AI Art Request #8 - shared by MajikVixen
"muh voidwalker iz dead!"
"ai is odd
but it tries"
Samael's AI Art Request #9 - shared by MajikVixen
"ok, really going to bed now for reals gnight!"