Showing posts with label Blizzard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blizzard. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

WoW Stuffs!ㅤ\m/

MajikVixen, Undead Warlock

MajikVixen - Undead Warlock - Starting Out!
As a birthday gift, Samael got me Classic WoW (to appreciate things from square one), and I absolutely fell in l♥ve...!
(and I will also eventually join him in "retail" WoW)   :)

Majik's WoW Professions - by MajikVixen

MajikVixen - Undead Warlock - Almost Mount Level!

MajikVixen - Undead Warlock - Almost Level 60!

MajikVixen - Undead Warlock - Pretty Armour
Current armour, as just a pretty, hanging-out, "girly" coordination thing better raiding gear, I keep in the bank  ;)

Current "pretty" armour goals (totally ignoring cookie-cutter Best-In-Slot stuffs):

Jubjub Jubling will hatch in 7 days! - by MajikVixen Jubjub Jubling will hatch in 6 days! - by MajikVixen Jubjub Jubling will hatch in 5 days! - by MajikVixen Jubjub Jubling will hatch in 4 days! - by MajikVixen
Jubjub Jubling will hatch in 3 days! - by MajikVixenJubjub Jubling will hatch in 2 days! - by MajikVixenJubjub Jubling will hatch in less than 1 day! - by MajikVixen
Jubjub Jubling will be ready to hatch soon! - by MajikVixen
Jubjub Jubling is now ready! - by MajikVixen
OMG, my Jubjub Jubling is so damned cute! - by MajikVixen
Well worth the wait!  ♥
...Jubjub chirps when clicked and randomly + catches flies!

I tried to recreate myself in SL, but this is as far as I got...

Trying to make myself an Undead Warlock in Second Life (Front) - by Majikvixen Trying to make myself an Undead Warlock in Second Life (Back) - by Majikvixen Trying to make myself an Undead Warlock in Second Life (Face) - by Majikvixen Trying to make myself an Undead Warlock in Second Life (Working on the Mouth, Phase 1) - by Majikvixen Trying to make myself an Undead Warlock in Second Life (Working on the Mouth, Phase 2) - by Majikvixen Trying to make myself an Undead Warlock in Second Life (Working on the Mouth, Phase 3) - by Majikvixen Trying to make myself an Undead Warlock in Second Life (Working on the Mouth, Photoshop) - by Majikvixen Trying to make myself an Undead Warlock in Second Life (Skeleton, Face, Phase 4) by MajikVixen
Trying to make myself an Undead Warlock in Second Life (Skeleton, Back) by MajikVixen Trying to make myself an Undead Warlock in Second Life (Skeleton, Front) by MajikVixen

Hathôr, Tauren Warrior

Hathor - Tauren Warrior - Starting Out! - by MajikVixen
Hathôr is pursuing the insane goal of becoming exalted (or as close as she can get) with Orgrimmar
(because a cow riding a wolf mount is fucking badass), by level 40!

She is currently abusing the Chen's Empty Keg quest to do so

So I have to be careful when I play her, because it's a bit backward
in needing to get the least amount of experience possible (will take forever to level),
while getting the most reputation!

Hathor's WoW Professions - by MajikVixen
Hathor - Tauren Warrior - Fighting For Rep! - by MajikVixen

Hathor's Working on Org Rep - by MajikVixen
Hathôr says, "It's interesting that I get to kill a bunch of Kodos to gain Org rep!"
(because Kodos are Tauren mounts and are also what Chen's Empty Keg quest needs)
"I'm going to take advantage of it for as long as I can," she adds, hoping not to abuse her helpful friends too much during the upcoming harder quests

...Don't worry, Hathôr, I'm sure Majik has plenty of runecloth from trying to get those ridiculous shoulders in Silithus to drop!  :p

Marr, Troll Rogue

Marr - Troll Rogue - Starting Out! - by MajikVixen
Marr was named after the powerful sister character in my favorite book, "The Thief of Always" by Clive Barker

Marr's WoW Professions - by MajikVixen

Marr - Troll Rogue - Mounted! - by MajikVixen

MajikVixen, Night Elf Druid

MajikVixen - Night Elf Druid - Almost Mount Level! - by MajikVixen
I regret that I didn't take any earlier pix...
I sorta got tunnel-vision and wished to catch this one up to Samael's other toon that reincarnated from Hardcore   :p

Majik's Druid WoW Professions - by MajikVixen


WoW Fishing & in SL:

Weekly Fishing Contest - by MajikVixen
...I wonder which came first, the chicken or the egg?  :p

Clan/Kingdom Joke of Wili Clip's AFK Orc - by MajikVixen
So Wili Clip, of Linden Gold Hunt, has this Orc statue thing at his Business Park headquarters region that will send you home if you are AFK
...All the serious LGH players think this is hilarious!  xD

"What do you prefer, Horde or Alliance?" (SL version):

Zamargad WoW Flag - by MajikVixen
I added this WoW flag to Zamargad


Fun shit:

Funny shit: