We offer womens clothing, mens clothes, outfits all fitted mesh bodies for Maitreya, Belleza, Slink, Legacy. Sexy female clothes mesh jeans,dress,shirt,skirt
Majik's (AKA MajikVixen, AKA MajikVixen Lorefield, AKA BlueVioletVixen Lorefield) thoughts on her travels thru Second Life and real life.
Showing posts with label creativity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label creativity. Show all posts
Wednesday, January 11, 2023
Tuesday, January 3, 2023
Stupid, Obligatory Blog Post
It was recently brought to my attention that ppl don't read anymore (+ that same asshat "humorously" referred to my entries as "dear diary"). So here's some rather disappointing, cookie-cutter bullshit that EVERYONE and their mother posts for SL (because, you know, being original, unique, or yourself is just so damned cheesy). :p ...Now, watch, they'll try to "ding" me for being "too thorough," "not doing it correctly," or roundaboutly accuse me of being a "sell-out" ...and, FFS, they can all eat shit too, BTW. This specific entry is to prove a point; from head to motherfucking toe! >:D \m/
- Firestorm 6.6.3 (67470) Aug 27 2022 18:30:00 (64bit / SSE2)
(Firestorm-Releasex64) with Havok support
Release Notes
You are at 150.0, 70.0, 2,198.6 in ARRAGON located at simhost-037e223a374a685a0.agni
SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ARRAGON/150/70/2199
(global coordinates 280,214.0, 281,414.0, 2,198.6)
Second Life Server 2022-11-11.576542
Release Notes
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz (3392.15 MHz) Memory: 16285 MB
Concurrency: 8
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 19044.2364)
Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650/PCIe/SSE2
Graphics Card Memory: 4096 MB
Windows Graphics Driver Version:
OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 527.37
RestrainedLove API: RLV v3.4.3 / RLVa v2.4.2.67470
libcurl Version: libcurl/7.54.1 OpenSSL/1.1.1l zlib/1.2.11.zlib-ng nghttp2/1.40.0
J2C Decoder Version: KDU v8.2
Audio Driver Version: FMOD Studio 2.02.07
Dullahan: 91.1.21+g9dd45fe+chromium-91.0.4472.114
Chromium: 91.0.4472.114
LibVLC Version: 3.0.16
Voice Server Version: Vivox 4.10.0000.32327
Settings mode: Firestorm
Viewer Skin: StarLight (Nostalgia Blue)
Window size: 1366x705 px
Font Used: Deja Vu (96 dpi)
Font Size Adjustment: 0 pt
UI Scaling: 1
Draw distance: 200 m
Bandwidth: 1500 kbit/s
LOD factor: 4
Render quality: Medium-High (4/7)
Advanced Lighting Model: Yes
Texture memory: Dynamic (512 MB min / 10% Cache / 10% VRAM)
Disk cache: Max size 2048.0 MB (100.0% used)
Built with MSVC version 1916
Packets Lost: 117/2,296,334 (0.0%)
January 02 2023 10:49:28 SLT - Radio Paradise - on iTunes, but ---> this is their official website
- ♦Arragon City - Nate (nateman1099) - LGH Buoy List
- [2023/01/02 10:50] Original Sin Rod **********:
Small Worms: *****
Tasty Worms: *****
Enchanted Worms: *****
Magic Worms: ****
**** Effects of XP Elixir(+5 Fishing XP).
Effect of RED Shubbie [+15% cast speed] (+5 BONUS Fishing XP):
PET FOOD: [87006]
PET XP: 16691 (+1) pet exp
3.55 % towards next pet level 28.
You've caught Neon tetra
Fishing XP: 8897726 (+32) Fishes: 5553 (+1)
Your Earnings: 500.76 L$ (+0.458)
RANK BONUSES: (alltime +0.0284 L$ monthly +0.0271 L$)
DGAF (Don't Give A Fish) Treasury: 4449.58503125 L$ (+0.02413125)
RANK (overall): 19
158660 Fishing XP to beat ************* ranked 18.
RANK (monthly): 7
477 Monthly Fishing XP to beat *********** ranked 6.
82 RP to beat ******** ranked 12.
19677 RP (+79)
Your GOLD: 121584(+5) [GOLD Event ON]
Voter: +4 RP
GOLD: 121589(+5) [GOLD Event ON]
Kingdom: +10 RP
- "[CC] Kudu Horns, Common/ Standard" - Elicio Ember - FF
- "*~*Illusions*~* Sylph Ears" - Siyu Suen - FF
- "*~*Illusions*~* Elf Ear Alpha" - Siyu Suen - FF
- "Hair Tami Bento FITTED breast size 1" - Sintiklia UwU - inworld: Sintiklia - Hair Tami - Group gift
- "Bangs 1 UNRIGGED/RESIZED ADD" - Sintiklia UwU - inworld: Sintiklia - Hair Tami - Group gift
- "CATWA HEAD HDPRO Queen Earless v1.4" - Catwa Clip - Release Freebie
- "Majik's Eyebrow Shape" - my own tweaks & preferences from Mallory Cowen's design - February, 2020
- "Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V5.1" - Onyx LeShelle - Maitreya Isle
- "Majik's Skin" - my own tweaks & preferences from DeeTaleZ, Dernier, ATIA's, & KMTCreations - December, 2022
- "Majik's Shape" - my own tweaks & preferences - December, 2022
- "[SP] Ascendant Wings Demonic v1" - Spider Carnot's design with my own scripting & texture tweak + preference - MP
- "Full Body Tattoo Tribal Tats(slxbox)" - Dunja Hian - MP
- "Physics for Maitreya. - Subtle Spice bonus" - TEMPTATlON - MP
- "[ATOMIC] Demon tail" - Rascal Banana's design with my own scripting & texture tweak + preferences - MP
- "Majik's Wrists" - my own tweak & preference - April, 2022
- ".[ KUMIHO ]. Sauin Dip Dyed Rings v2" - Pinq Pepper (PiNQ Freese) - .[ KUMIHO ]. Sauin Lips & Hand Tattoos @ FF
- ".[ KUMIHO ]. Sauin Dip Dyed Tips v2" - Pinq Pepper (PiNQ Freese) - .[ KUMIHO ]. Sauin Lips & Hand Tattoos @ FF
- "GERMINAL - LAMIA FEET TATTOO" - Veronika Obviate - FF
- "#Firestorm LSL Bridge v2.29" - Eric Linden - default & necessary attachment when using Firestorm
- "ORACUL-Aurora Girl AO (Oracul Animation HUD)" - daiz Papp - inworld
- "Silver hoop L (1/2", heavy)" - Kelli May - SL Forums
- "{Demicorn} Draculara Eyeshadow - 1 (BOM)" - Demicorn Whimsy - inworld: sale
- "Arte - Eyeliner - Cat eyes - Long 2" - - ̗̀ღ Miriam ღ ̖́- (Miriam Lemondrop) - MP
- "VENGE - Catwa Lashes - Pyromania" - Vixn Dagger (Vixn Dagger) - MP
- "IKON Mortal Eyes - Champagne (L)" - Ikon Innovia - inworld
- "-Elemental- Catwa & BOM - 'Void' Lipstick *AddMe" - ElementalStore - inworld: sale
- "~~ Ysoral ~~ .:Luxe Lips Piercing Clem:.(CATWA Queen 3)" - fenixdragon Rau - CATWA HEAD Friends group sale & custom
- "GoldTokens HUD 1.7" - Wili Clip - Linden Gold Hunters group + direct gift from Wili Clip
- "Shubbie Witch Hat - DGAF" - Anaiya Arnold's design with my own scripting tweak - MP
- "H2O Spirit VIII" - Justyn (Justyn Blackburn) - Random split & sale from someone else's shubbie
- "Au Spirit" - Justyn (Justyn Blackburn) - Random split & sale from someone else's shubbie
- "Original Sin Rod" (specifics have been omitted, do your own research on Wili Clip's LGH rods to see which one works best for you) - Susy (Siouxie Seerose) - direct/custom sales evolution from MP, via Wili Clip
- "Vibing -- jinx collar -- silver" - afk (luxelitemanager) - inworld: sale
- "VNV Nation Shirt" - MajikVixen Lorefield - not for sale yet
- "[S] SET 112 - MAITREYA PANTS" - Safyra Lana (MorenaLii) - inworld: sale
- "[BREATHE]-Mimika Heels-M.Lara" - daisa Admiral - inworld: sale
- "Maitreya High (no white on toes)" - daisa Admiral - inworld: sale
- "LSI Shoebase 2" - Rah McMillan - don't recall how I got it, but it's the best foot shaper I've had since April 2015 (no need to adjust avatar Hover Height)
- "FallnFootprintsRMagicSealRedII" - Azriel Demain - MP, no longer sold, nobody knows what happened to Azriel
- "FallnFootprintsLMagicSealRedII" - Azriel Demain - MP, no longer sold, nobody knows what happened to Azriel
- "(E - Eventyra - Nail HUD - Black Magic [Wear Me]" - Eventyra - inworld: sale
...Don't forget to blow me
Fish Hunt,
Linden Gold Hunters,
Second Life,
What Is She Wearing?!?!?!
Friday, December 30, 2022
(yes: 95% of cardboard is cut to lay flat & not folded, an average of 12 items per case, 8-hour shift)
A real badass is someone who sacrifices the time we'd use to share our creativity inworld, to essentially put food on your table ...so you can, in turn, comment on how shitty our avatar looks or how we aren't "up to par" somehow, because we ... didn't spend 18k hours: in our skybox sorting outfits, raising our rank in silly politics/games, devoting every waking moment kowtowing to what "everyone" thinks is superficially "IT," or anything else otherwise frivolous... but instead spent it being AFK, hoping to hear from you (who would supposedly appreciate how we moved Heaven and Earth to contribute to your real community, at whatever the cost it took: sleep, fun, sanity), EVERY fucking night (because our purpose is to BRING IT, and believe me, we DO).
A real badass is too busy being the salt of the Earth and grabbing life by the balls (and could literally kick your ass in person, if you really wanted to find out), while you're too busy displacing your real-life frustrations, doing cowardly things behind your screen (like shaming or knee-jerk banning), to feel more powerful and less insecure, simply because you're too narcissistic to pull your cranium out of your rectum.
And although I wrote this from my POV, it goes for anyone who kills at what they do (just so we all might have some fun later on in SL).
SL is a technology that is more evolved than what it's being used for! Stop acting like complete douches.
...Either consider yourself enlightened, or do us all a favor and just fuck

right the fuck off.
hard work,
real life,
Second Life,
Meanwhile, I'll just be ---> over here, transcending

I fell into a rabbit hole of dysmorphia & existential crisis, by mistakenly giving undeserving ppl power over me.
Sound all too familiar? Let's break it down, then.
A double-edged sword is being vulnerable with those who seem to merit serious acknowledgment, as illusions can understandably be very believable here. Toxicity, however, is a very passé snake oil that's often sold as acceptance, friendship, &/or "love."
Now, SL is a sanctuary, an artistic expression & extension of selves, that we are welcome to mutually enjoy together or separately. But if you have to pay dearly into a sink-hole to have any "fun," then maybe it's time to reevaluate [your "cool" frienemies] & cut your losses.
This means you can either continue to suckle on the tit of the machine, hoping for a measly crumb or two to keep on going ... or you can be true to yourself & dance to the beat of your own drum (because that's what living really is).
Choose the latter & give zero iota fucks to all but happiness.
Profile Pick,
Second Life,
Second Life Profile Pick,
self worth,
sink hole,
SL Profile Pick,
sunk cost,
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