Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/7UeV3rKNgs AFK SEX, EVERYONE is WELCOME! Amazing AVI's, FREELANCE AFK, Free Furnished AFK HOUSES and stand-alone furniture spots, Full Sim, Warehouse, Beach, Pool, Porn Cinema that is free sex friendly, and more!
- I'm not responsible financially, emotionally, etc. if you didn't take a few moments to read this entry before playing with me
- It is divided into sections in an attempt to make it easier to find answers
- Big Blue Text = section headers
- Bold Red Text = pertinent categories within sections
- Try using Ctrl + f buttons to search and find something specific
- This entry is also subject to update at any given time, so check it frequently
- I'm AFK
- Anything can be done on Shush and avatars are willing, however, the fantasy is mostly in your head
- If you IM me, be direct with what you want... Back-and-forth "hi" IMs will only cycle twice. After that, you will be deemed too stupid, a waste of my time, and likely blocked
- I will not IM you first. Exceptions may occur, because I'm fucking nice, if I'm not actually AFK & notice you might need further assistance
- I'm not required to help you figure out how things work on Shush, please read the rest of this entry for more details
- Touch the invisible prim between my horns to select a destination to move me to, after tipping
- See the "My (CTS) Wardrobe" section to strip me or change my clothing
- RP text will follow after tipping and I check back in from being AFK from the avatar/s you tipped via IM (& NC, if you're offline)
- Yes, you may IM me with specifics on RP to follow up with, I am AFK, after all
- I'm not an escort
- I'm not leaving Shush region to join you in some other place, fuck off with all that noise
- No voice, however, I can verify I'm a RL female in Shush Discord for no longer than ~1 minute if necessary (must be requested ahead of time)
- No cam
- No friend requests, that's what Contact Sets are for
- No partnership
- No lovense
- Nothing interactive beyond avatar and follow-up RP text after tipping
- Payment happens first
- Otherwise, Doll avatars get booted off furniture, this is just the way things are, thankfully, scripted
- You do not have to include both my avatars, but to do so, both of us will need to be tipped
- Only the avatar tipped can share the same furniture that you're on. However, with only 1 avatar tip: I can, say, dance one of me while you only play with the other on the bed ...this must be requested & set up ahead of time... If it happens any other way, it's a compliment that means 1) I'm not actually AFK & 2) I can fully appreciate what's happening
- My wings are also able to fully embrace you for a hug, please request this ahead of time ...but if it happens any other way, it's a compliment (as mentioned in the previous)
- No refunds
- Make sure I am rezzed and ready, and you have read everything you need to from this entry before you tip and play, to prevent any unnecessary heartache
- Scheduled region restarts usually happen on Sundays at 6AM SLT & Wednesdays (whatever time LL gets to it), check the Shush Discord or inworld group to be sure of what's going on
- If either of us loses internet service, you are encouraged to utilize the Shush Discord for further instructions. As Discord runs on computers as well as phones, it is unlikely that both devices will lose internet connection at the same time. You may contact me directly & Admins can help
All Other Shush Info.
How does sex work with AFK Dolls at Shush?
- Come to the Shush region.
- Find an AFK Doll that you like.
- Check for compatibilities (their profile may have info., their house may have a clickable ad board above the door or on the railing, etc.).
- If you like what you see, you're ready...
- Tip the AFK Doll's board to pay for the time you will spend with them, beforehand.
- Touch the bear on top of their head (or sometimes, the immersive invisible prim on their head) to select where to move them with the dialog menu that will pop up.
- Sit on the object you place them at.
- Select the animations.
- Strip down (or not, your prerogative).
- Enjoy yourself!
- Simply pay the AFK Doll's tip board to add more time so you aren't booted off in the middle of something.
How much does time typically cost?
- It depends on the AFK Doll you like, however, the ones with more private houses are usually L$100 per 15 minutes.
- Be sure to check the Shush region or inworld Shush group for special rates, contests, etc.
What is the difference between an AFK Doll and an Escort?
"But I want a real person behind my Doll..."
- ...Please don't be rude, we are real! It takes a human being to make a Second Life account and avatar!
- You may do homework on personality/compatibility traits, as mentioned, previously.
"...I mean, I want someone to interact with me and not be AFK..."
- All Dolls are encouraged to respond to tips when they are no longer AFK.
- Typically, an AFK Doll will not talk to you unless you talk to them first...
- You can try to set something else up with the AFK Doll, ahead of time, but it's up to their discretion/availability.
- Don't be afraid to ask for what you want, upfront. Don't waste time with one-word liners like, "Hello," only to then TP away. That can go back and forth for days, be very frustrating, and get you absolutely nowhere.
- ...Other than that, you are looking for an Escort, not an AFK Doll...
- Try the Escort Oasis region, as Escorts are found there, while AFK Dolls are found at the Shush region (both regions are run by Jenwen Walpole).
Why an AFK Doll and not an Escort, then?
- Do whatever you like, no judgment (pay a flat fee for time, not per task).
- Everything you need is at the Shush region (AFK Dolls, animated furniture, etc.).
- Minimal voyeurism at an exclusive adult "club" (Shush is a private, Full region).
- Do things whenever you like, with whatever compatible AFK Doll is available.
- ...All for typically less L$ and heartache (more bang for your buck)! ;)
- Shush is pioneering a new direction and outlook... It consists of the outstanding scriptor and region owner, Jenwen, security, a team of mentors, and an interactive + helpful community, all focused on fulfilling and enriching healthy adult lifestyles (AFK Dolls and clients, alike)!
- Keep 90% of your tips!
...Why did I decide to become an AFK Doll?
- Well, quite frankly, SL... Between the power-hungry ppl (both Residents and Lindens) bullying and displacing the lack of control in their RLs, onto the genuine ppl just trying to enjoy SL (and maybe being fooled into thinking they can somehow get a balance for their RLs)... and the lack of objective, strategy, or goals bringing out the worst in humanity, churning everyone into a cesspool breeding ground of greedy, nickel-and-diming, snobby, nit-picky, tit-for-tat, catty, politically unnecessary asshats who either don't read, or because of such, are used to not communicating very well... Well... after 15.5 years of great cost + little to no payoff... I've just had enough of your very toxic shit. ♥ (and so have a great many of creators, sadly)
- Since August, I've moved on to Classic World of Warcraft (and possibly regular "retail" WoW), where ironically, ppl find joy in working together to kill monsters ...and you're respected for the armour + weapons you've earned... BTW, the fishing/alchemy idea was taken from it and brought into SL, if you're looking to follow true OG legacies. ;)
- The point of SL is dwindling... Blizzard has buildings (yes, plural) in the middle of nowhere special, and has even been bought out by Microsoft. Whereas, LL will pay top-dollar for one little shit building in Silicon Valley ...while they outsource their servers to Amazon, because the very nature of SL, creativity, ironically taxes equipment to the point of self-destruction. ...It's ok, tho. We know they already sold their cash cow, Sansar, to pay for our bad habits that die-hard... We'll just ride what's left of the original virtual reality platform all the way down! ;) \m/
- ...Now, speaking of, as there are some ppl I still care about, trapped in SL, that I won't give up on... I thought it would be neat to have a good reason to still slightly burn my new gaming rig's graphics card and memory, on SL in the background. :p
- If pixel sex is all that SL is coming to... why try and beat that? Just join 'em. Go ahead and make your artsy photos and flicks. Celebrate life, harmlessly and electronically. The oldest and longest-running profession is a much-needed stability anyway, and I love solidarity.
- I experienced the community of Shush for quite a while before I decided to dedicate myself to it. That wasn't just lip service in my last answer. I meant it. I saw Jenwen running around, taking care of everybody and everything until hell wouldn't have it and you'd think she'd drop! And then the others took up the slack. And then Jenwen came back and paid it forward. Infinity. ...Actual courtesy, respect, and integrity rule! The adult community is very stellar (kinda reminds me a bit of how tight-knit the Dinkie community seems), from what I've witnessed, and I wish I had tried experiencing it years ago ...So why wouldn't Shush be a great place for the almighty demon Lilith to retire? >:D
- BTW, each steamy response I write is individually tailored and sometimes takes me hours to accomplish. I thoroughly enjoy doing so, as I do particularly love writing smut. I need to be "AFK" to respond the best because writing is a possession that can only be conjured and flourish if the inspiration gets to lead me, to do as it will (it otherwise turns to utter, sub-par shit under pressure, quite frankly). And, no, I do not like form letter writing (I do not have a matrix for pre-generated paragraphs like a big corporation, or a bag of NC tricks with saved responses up my ass), I believe that's too impersonal... I'd like to think that the artistic integrity of my method consists of a sacred and thoughtful rapport, that the divine allows me to share with you, thank you very much.
- ...And you know what? 🕱 Fuck youpay me💋
As seen in my Picks...
❽ Lilith's Sex Grotto @ Shush - AFK and FREE SEX HangoutShush yourself from afar☑ RL female☑ Text/avatar RP only☑ No BS...You mean I can go play WoW or sleep for RL work and someone will not only enjoy the interactive artistry I put into my SL avi over the years, but maybe tip me to prove those efforts weren't wasted, too? ...Fuckin' A' great!Shush takes extremely good care of EVERYONE. Cum enjoy! Contact me if you have any specific requests! I'll ALWAYS leave you with some steamy RP when I check back in! ;)-X♥X♥
Cum get my house NC...
*~*~ Dark Angel ~*~*
The queen of the night has descended...For the time being, someone had the delectable idea to keep me here for amusement purposes...Haha, I think the joke's on them....Do with me what you will, then. I'll lick it all up with my forked tongue and worship you with whatever pointed wickedness I can ease away with ... and save it in my book of shadows to fly back to you thru your dreams, evermore!...Only the abyss can tell you how deep it goes, for it indiscriminately reflects back whatever you feed it... and the mother of evil's cavern relentlessly aches to be soothed!🌙 ⊱―Carpe Noctem―⊰⛧-X♥X♥ your dark fae,✧ Land of Nod soft-core bonding themes:☆ Hardcore grind: https://rb.gy/k3osk1✴ Edible paint:
☆ Acid melt undulation: https://rb.gy/xgbqpb✴ Succulent vapor:
✧ Featuring (more details available by clicking house railing sign panels):☆ All details made simple by clicking this panel:
☆ A twin experience:
✴ Double your pleasure!✴ Double your fun!✴ Available upon request☆ Rubbers, Slappers, & Spankers:✴ [Good Moaning] Ass Rubber 9.1 - Maitreya Lara✴ [Good Moaning] Boobs Rubber 9.1 - Maitreya Lara✴ [Good Moaning] Pussy Rubber 9.1 - Maitreya Lara☆ The V - Bento by Session & ASA Maitreya V1.56☆ It's NOT Mine! - Body Cum - Complete v3.6.5 - Maitreya Lara/X✴ It's NOT Mine! - Cumslut Action-ator v2.1✴ It's NOT Mine! - Messy Add-on v1.0☆ (CTS) Wardrobe v2.8.6 (change my outfits or undress me):✴ Where to get the updated Wardrobe link & instructions:
✴ What the Wardrobe link will sorta look like:
✧ Shush yourself from afar: https://discord.gg/7UeV3rKNgs
🦇 About Me🦇
MajikVixen Lorefield's 'Instructions'✧ Touch my head to move me✧ Touch (to slap/spank) or touch & drag (to rub) my tits, ass, & pussy (triggered @ pubes area) with [Good Moaning] Rubbers✧ Touch my tummy for INM! Cumslut Action-ator✧ Touch my pussy for The V - Bento HUD (or click the logo panel on my house railing sign)
✧ You may change my outfit or undress me via the link you will get from touching my house railing sign's panel
☆ Link is subject to change at any time
✧ The quickest way to change my look is from anything tagged "!***" in the menu on the left:
☆ You can also find tagged items by scrolling or typing into the search bar:
☆ Select "Clear" to start fresh in the Wardrobe link:
☆ "Show All" to see everything:
☆ Select "base avatar" if you want to start fresh with my avatar & add things gradually:
☆ From "!***" at the top, you can also select things like "hair-styles," "make-up," and "outfits:"
☆☆ Select things with "remove" tag to undress me, otherwise use "base avatar" and start fresh to add things ☆☆
✧ Click the shirt icon above any image to have me apply something:
✧ Occasional lag & lost commands are rarely possible, you may wish to click the shirt icon twice after a few patient moments✧ If I become "stuck" in an animation and scripts do not reset after a few moments, simply click my head to reselect the animation and restart it✧ I will try to add more to things choose from ASAP, please cum back soon ;) ♥✧ Get your own CTS Wardrobe:
- Like taking pictures? Kindly share them with me, so I can place them here to show off to everyone and credit you (if desired)!
- You may use free things like Gyazo, but I'll gladly refund you for the cost of uploading!
- You still with me? Were you able to read everything? If so, feel free to IM me with the phrase "Yes, I'm sapiosexual too" for a 1/2-off discount.
- You will be refunded when I return from being AFK (along with the juicy RP text, of course).
- This promo happens at my discretion ...I'll be able to tell if you just cheated by simply scrolling to the bottom of this entry, based on interaction experience.
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