Thursday, January 12, 2023

A Majikal Bit on Deciphering the Blockchain

Just how cryptic is cryptocurrency?  

Bill Maher, of HBO political talk show, Real Time with Bill Maher, basically explains that it's bullshit.  It's a bunch of crooks doing a Ponzi scheme to one another (as nobody benefits, because someone else always gets stuck with the problem, until it's passed onto the next guy; much like in a multi-level marketing scheme ... As, incidentally, proven by ---> assholes like this).  Plus it takes a huge toll on the environment.  0.o

Devil's advocate, Coffeezilla (Stephen Findeisen), tries to attack Maher's character, by spinning Maher's argument of crypto being a new technology that we don't know everything about yet.  While Maher openly, self-admits this (and includes everyone else in that, as well), Findeisen compares Maher's statement to David Letterman and the introductory stages of the internet, even drawing on Maher's first reactions to Classmates - Facebook  ...It's totally ridiculous and bent to all hell, just like Cambridge Analytica #SorryNotSorry, Findeisen, you're no Kitboga.  :p

Yeah, it seems like a lot to figure out
Meanwhile, Kartik Gada, an executive and investment banker in the technology sector (with an emphasis on emerging, disruptive technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and FinTech), has little to say against Maher in his "Bill Maher Correctly Flags the Logical Flaws Within Cryptocurrency" video.  ...Fun fact, with regard to the environment and this technological stepping-stone possibly becoming the future - we only need 10 cryptocurrencies to operate outside the governments of the world, but now it seems like we have countless (9,500 at the time his video was made, back in January of 2022).

"Cryptocurrencies: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)" clarifies cryptocurrency a bit more by sharing all the perspectives, with both seriousness and humor, while advocating the main theme of caution (like, no shit, this includes a cameo from Bitconnect) ... Interesting that the Bitcoin conference ironically stopped accepting Bitcoin as paymentPlus, WTF? - There are more pump-and-dump data companies that can be paid to manipulate things?!  And, yes, you know it's getting out of hand when adding crypto-related keywords helps a product get noticed!  xD

If you want everything explained to you in a crash course, Johnny Harris's "NFTs, Explained" video might be the perfect thing to also watch.  The tag, "Yes, it's hype.  But it could change our world," reiterates the previous video messages about it being a crazy, new technology (based on how we value and validate things psychologically), but it could change the way we do things because of the decentralized record keeping (as in, we can use what we're learning now, to adapt and evolve in shaping the future).  

If you are interested in making your own NFT, C Rich, "a 17-year-old entrepreneur who loves finance, technology, and philosophy" made the "Easiest Way To Create An NFT And Sell It in 2022 (Complete Guide)" video.  Yes, it's true, if you're ever stuck and need help with technology, just ask a kid!  Stick around to the very end for the guy who wants you to delete your screenshot of his NFT, as it's very poignant!
Yes, this turd is an actual NFT

On that note, also check out what AI art is (a tool for helping or hindering)?  ...IDK, the jury's still out, looking for closure on those boundaries!  xD  ...In all seriousness, tho, deviate a picture enough, and it is no longer the original work, it is something else, entirely (as the original integrity is lost).  There are some things that would be considered sacrilegious to touch.  Where do artists and businessmen draw the lines, so to speak?

By that same token, here's a look at how some NFTs and online games have been influencing each other...  

If you're still worried, tho, it seems that somewhere in the near future, the gov't will be able to regulate crypto anyway, via the Bank for International Settlements (owned by central banks) ... Which is a fancy way of making you feel safer about it all, so they can tax you  ...Just like when marijuana was federally illegal in the US until individual states started voting on whether or not they should profit off of the weed too.  xD

And, well, there you have it.  Hopefully, it's not so ambiguous anymore, and you can siphon whatever majik you need out of this, to help design your better future.  

As for me, my heart cannot be influenced by such silly, Earthly, and monetary things, because my soul isn't for sale; so there doesn't seem to be much sense in sticking to anything other than good old-fashioned copyrights and plagiarism ...for now.  ;)  

...I am curious, tho, how if even 1/2 of the ~64 million SL players prove they can't get control over their inventory, how the human race is ever going to categorize everygoddamnedthing in a ledger and still have enough breathing room leftover for any fun whatsoever?  xD  ...Like, how GATTACA or WWII will we let The Matrix get, over things, before we finally turn into Star Trek?  :p

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