Once a year some very badass creators get together and make the best thing SL has ever seen (all in the name of fundraising for Relay For Life)!
What do we want?
('Cause real life sucks!)
When do we want it?
All the fucking time!
(As that's what SL is all about! Being anything and doing anything you want!)
Why do we do this?
Because it's time to kick cancer's ass with our biggest passion!
(Thank you, to all creators and everyone involved!)
And how often does this collaboration happen?
Now, a few disclaimers...
- I cover FF in this post, but it's obviously going to be biased from my POV (like every other fucking post I do, of course, LOL)! ...That being said, there are a SHIT-TON of things here that you may have a slightly different taste on, and you might even be looking for a more specific genre. I really encourage you to go and check this event out for yourself! I may cover a lot, but I'm not going to give you the absolute WHOLE fucking faire, LOL! ...Don't be goddamned ridiculous! XD
- Also, being that I'm a chick, I neglected to outwardly look for male clothing. I apologize for that. No disrespect was intended. But really, you will find it there, so please go look for it! -Got lots on objects of mutual interest and lots of links, tho, and on another upside, maybe you'll see something here that somebody significant would like! ;)
- And nope, nope, I have no interest in doing the quest, sorry... And nope, my poor, dear, decrepit laptop is also not interested in continually crashing at any events within this event either, thank you! ...For more informative posts on that kinda stuff, I shall refer you to The SL Newer :)
---> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (more news may print there too, so keep a watchful eye!)
- I did, however, try to take good pictures (unPhotoShopped, except to fit inside this blog) with detailed notes (I do follow a format in here, although, sometimes I got a little bored and had to switch it up a bit - just to make sure you're paying attention, ya know? LOL) so that way you could mostly & easily recognize something you are looking for ...Or so that you can admire my adventure and possibly be inspired to go to FF to take your own photos & make your own memories! :)
- Additionally, some things I mention that are "not on the MP" or "can only be found at FF," just *might* be available elsewhere. Feel free to research this on your own, I've made it very easy for you with lots of links to the creator's profiles (my thanks go out to the awesome ppl of LL, who were able to fix this issue so quickly!), links to creators' MP stores, and selected links to their inworld stores (some creators have more than 1 store, I tried to link the most valid place)! ...Also, a note here on inworld store SLURLs... Sometimes the teleport routing setup will not take you directly to where you can buy the item. To remedy this, go to your World Map and input in the numbered coordinates from the SLURL. Hit your "ENTER" key and it should provide a beacon showing you exactly where to walk/run/fly to! :)
...Everyone can prolly understand a budget triage, that's why I put so many link options in here for you to be able to get these wonderful things...
But do please know that when you buy your items from FF, it supports the fight against cancer (plus a lot of things are discounted for FF or are exclusive to this event only)! -So if you can, please join us in the fight, and make your purchases inworld @ this wonderful annual event! ;)
---> How much FF has raised.
---> Teams.
- Lastly, I do not get paid to do my blog (prestige or rapport doesn't necessarily make food, other than for thought, LOL)... So if you happen to like posts like these and find them amusing in any way, simply subscribe/leave a comment, or even go to Zamargad and deposit some of those loose L$ you've got jingling around in yer pocket into the lava lamp tip jar (it will give you a random giftie for doing so, too)! ...Thankies, very much, and please enjoy this post!!! ♥
Enough with the blah, blah, blah!
Here we go, then...!
...I'm ready for FF!
Got my low-lag avatar on from KittyCatS! (as this not my first rodeo)!
16 regions!
Let's do this shit!!!
If I had a badass computer, and could go to FF the way I would like to be dressed...
It would be like this...
...But, I digress...
OMG, I started @ 9:30PM SLT on 24APR19, and this is still how crowded it was!
So you land in a TP hall and can choose your sim destination (by touching the windows).
In the center is a touchable joiner for the * * Fantasy Faire Fans * * group...
Or you can simply copy/paste this into nearby chat for a clickable link to join --->
And also in the center, you can get a TP HUD (a head-up-device that attaches to your screen, and when clicked, will take you wherever you wanna teleport).
Which I recommend highly, because this is really something you need to experience inworld, OMG!
There's absolutely no way to capture the live essence in pictures!
...But I will try to show you with my favorite display anyway (lots of detail and camera zooming)...
• This is ---> Kerryth Tarantal's profile page.
• This is ---> Kerryth Tarantal's MP store, Spyralle (which might not have the FF things -yet?).
• This is ---> the inworld main store.
• & if you want to buy the pieces that went into this display, they're ---> here @ FF.
...Lots of shrines like that!
...And may I just please applaud FF Backstage? Terrific job, every year! Always gives me good ideas on builds I would love to accomplish! I mean, if I would be willing to sit and humbly listen in on a Linden community meeting... Oh, how I'd love to do JUST, THAT with a FF set-up!!!
Anyhoo, onto Midas!
Traveling is always best done on foot and on the ground...
But be careful of rubberbanding on those sim crossings...
Just walk very slowly (like take one or 2 footsteps until you cross completely) while going from one region to another!
Aha! Here we are!
Love how the atmosphere changes from place to place, it's all one, big, eye orgasm!
Also, when you get to a stable spot, it's a good idea to relog into each new sim!
Wish I could buy this FF exclusive fountain!
Thank goodness Zamargad is on hiatus, so I'm not too tempted to spend money I don't have. :p :(
• "Balderdash - Cellestia, Cellestio Fountain - Eclipse" is from Saiyge Lotus, L$350 to Relay for Life, tho, not bad!
• Obviously not on MP, but this is the store ---> Balderdash - Bagatelle & Trinketry (which some of the backstage FF fountains look like they came from as well).
• Inworld ---> main store.
• Get yours ---> here @ FF!
Ah, clothing!
Yes, now, this is some stuff I could buy!
(now, why don't more creators make dress HUDs so you can change colors in one buy, like the creators @ Townies?)
• Both, from Evangeline Miles, the "Irissa Fairy Dress" is L$350 & the "Feyre Fairy" dress is L$295.
• Both are either exclusive to FF or are too new for the MP store ---> Evie's Closet
• According to her profile, the inworld store is closed for now! :o
• Here's ---> where it's @ in FF!
I wish this said Maitreya on it, although the Maitreya Laura Friends group says Vista came out before Maitreya, so it should still work, you just may have to match them to your skin.
• "lassitude & ennui Bewitched magic ring set (Vista Bento hands)" from ennui (jackal.ennui) is L$249.
• This is ---> sold on MP @ lassitude & ennui (and there's also a demo)!
• Available @ ---> inworld store.
• Get yours here ---> @ FF!
• "lassitude & ennui Obscuritas crown" also from ennui (jackal.ennui) is L$295.
• Can also be found ---> on her MP.
• Available with demo @ ---> inworld store.
• Get the demo & yours ---> @ FF!
Turns out the simple Fiona dress isn't so simple after all! -
• "lassitude & ennui Fiona dress - FATPACK" also from ennui (jackal.ennui) is L$890.
• (only available in the Fatpack and not on the MP, possibly because it's exclusive or too new), but this is ---> her MP store.
• Available with demo @ ---> inworld store.
• Demo/dress available ---> @ FF!
Here's a Gacha I think is REALLY cute and I would otherwise buy the whole thing for Zamargad & sell the extras...
• Not found on MP (unless someone resells individually), but this is ---> his MP store, NAMINOKE.
• Inworld ---> main store.
• Get your random prizes here ---> @ FF!
Yeah, my rule with Gachas is if you aren't going to be satisfied with absolutely everything that you may get from it, just wait until someone sells it on MP and buy it outright, don't even take your chances wasting L$ playing!
-Which is why I'm also in love with this gacha...
• "*N*Flower Pipe Gacha<vend>" is also from taiko McCaw @ L$50 a play.
• Also not found on MP (unless someone resells), but this is ---> his MP store.
• Inworld ---> main store.
• Get your random prizes here ---> @ FF!
Oh, and surprise, surprise! I ran into my old editor of The Second Life Newser, Bixyl Shuftan! ♥ :D
...Got my eyelashes from her last year & I'm extremely happy with this store! ;)
• "VENGE - Catwa & Omega - Monstruo_Fantasy Faire (WEAR ME)" is a FF exclusive from Vixn Dagger for only L$50!
• This is ---> the MP store for Vengeful Threads / VENGE.
• Available in a different color @ inworld ---> main store.
• You won't wanna miss out on yours here ---> @ FF!
...A moment of silence for Vixn Dagger's Uncle Skip...
...And for her Grandfather...
OMG, this wonderful bookcase!
• "[V/W] Meriadoc Home COPY - (BOX)" from Marek 'Mac' Vander (madmacit) is L$1,199.
• ...Or other pieces are available ---> on MP @ Velvet Whip & Ginger Line.
• Individual pieces (including the Tree Bookcase) are available for purchase @ ---> inworld store.
• Get yours here ---> @ FF!
• "Dream Gazebo - Red Roses" from Lulu (luluts) is @ the ridiculous amount of L$75!
• Also available ---> on MP @ Lacrime dell'anima, in different colors too, but for a much higher price!
• See it @ the ---> inworld store.
• Found in the 50% off section ---> @ FF!
OoOoo! I really want this! -
• ":: ANTAYA :: Bra and panties <Daena> FULL PACK (wear me)" is from Anna Tison for L$250.
• Not on MP, but check out the store for other great stuffs ---> :: ANTAYA ::.
• Inworld ---> main store.
• Only ---> @ FF!
This looks pretty...
• "[Stargazer Creations] Eyes Set - Zodiac" is from Aggie Mactavish for L$133.
• Not on MP, but the store is ---> Stargazer Creations.
• Inworld ---> main store.
• It's here ---> @ FF!
Love my witch hat... but in case I want something darker, or maybe Samael wants a hat ;) -
• "*NW* Creeper Hat" from pιхιe von ѕcнweeтz (pixie.ruby) is L$250.
• Not on MP, but the store is ---> NeverWish.
• Available @ ---> inworld store.
• Get yours here ---> @ FF!
Maybe these eyes are better for what I'm trying to pull off with my avatar?
• "[Cubic Cherry] {Nebula} eyes (BOX)" is also from ĸυroι von ѕcнweeтz (kreao.kujisawa) for L$260.
• Also not on MP, but the store is ---> [Cubic Cherry].
• Available @ ---> inworld store.
• Get them here ---> @ FF!
...And onward to Twilight Spring!
...Downward, the cavernous path into a dramatically dark and glistening glow...
Nice for those RP places that don't allow electricity! -
• "CasperVend2 1-Prim Static v2.12" gives you "Hallowed Lighting" from Sabayne (qilu) for L$199.
• Available ---> on MP @ Immersion.
• Available @ ---> inworld store.
• Get yours ---> @ FF!
Oh, this looks interesting...
• ".~DN~. Shade & Light Fader" from Triss Nightshade (tyris.wardark) is L$200
• On ---> MP @ Deadly Nightshade.
• Available @ ---> inworld store.
• Get yours ---> @ FF!
Here's a nice unicorn horn, too...
• "-Elemental- 'Basic Unicorn Horn' (P)" from ElementalStore is L$149.
• Available ---> on the MP @ ELEMENTAL.
• Inworld ---> store.
• Get yours ---> @ FF!
...Good-bye, Twilight Springs!
...Hello, Light of Valoth!
...And courtyards!
Here's another Gacha I'd enjoy stuff from...
• "Sway's [Elf-Elixir] necklace" from Sway Dench is L$25 a play.
• Not available on MP, unless someone resells, but this is the store ---> Sway's.
• Inworld ---> store.
• Get your random prize ---> @ FF!
I did very much enjoy the mini-hunt "Letters to a Fungus" and the freebies that came with it!
• I would just like to buy ALL of Polenth Yue's ---> very affordable mushrooms also @ Mushporium on MP!
• Inworld ---> store.
• Go here to ---> get these things @ FF!
...and click this sign to get started on the mini-hunt!
...Here are some of the freebies from that mini hunt...
• "Green Glow Mushroom (Leaning)" C/M with particles option - LI 2.
• "Green Glow Mushroom (Melted)" C/M with particles option - LI 2.
• "Green Glow Mushroom (Straight)" C/M with particles option - LI 2.
• "Twilight Basic Rainbow (Prim)" C/M - LI 1.
• "Twilight Rainbow Arch (Mesh)" C/M - LI 3.
• "Twilight Rainbow Bridge (Cylinder Prim)" C/M - LI 1.
• "Twilight Rainbow Bridge (Flat Prim)" C/M - LI 1.
• "Twilight Rainbow Bridge (Mesh)" C/M - LI 2.
• "Green Spots Ugly Toadstool (High, Moving)" C/M - LI 4.
• "Green Spots Ugly Toadstool (High, Still)" C/M - LI 4.
• "Green Spots Ugly Toadstool (Low, Moving) C/M - LI 2.
• "Green Spots Ugly Toadstool (Low, Still)" C/M - LI 2.
• "Green Streaks Ugly Toadstool (High, Moving)" C/M - LI 4.
• "Green Streaks Ugly Toadstool (High, Still)" C/M - LI 4.
• "Green Streaks Ugly Toadstool (Low, Moving)" C/M - LI 2.
• "Green Streaks Ugly Toadstool (Low, Still)" C/M - LI 2.
• "Dark Pearl Mershroomie Tail (For Shroomies)" complete with AOs.
• "Dark Pearl Shroomie (Tiny Avatar)" complete with AOs.
• "RFL Fantasy Faire Vendor - OFFICIAL v19" gets you "~tc~ Edge of Darkness Tulips" from Ana The Weary (anastasia.domenici) for only L$50 (a FF exclusive).
• ...And I would also like to ---> point out her MP, ThatChick (which has many of the fun building kits also featured in her store @ FF)!
• Inworld ---> store.
• Get these beautiful tulips here ---> @ FF!
Unbelievable that this is only PG Rated... But hooray, it's mod! LOL!
• Not bad, Shelby Thor (shelby.olivier), for "Enchanted Outdoor Shower Box (pg)" & for only L$83! :o
• Check out all the really nice things ---> on the MP @ Simply Shelby.
• Available @ ---> inworld main store.
• Get this ---> @ FF!
• "RFL Fantasy Faire Vendor - OFFICIAL v19" gets you "[CC] Nightgaunt Plushie, RFL Ed." from Elicio Ember of Cerridwen's Cauldron for only L$25!
• ...Of course, it's not available on MP, but you should ---> check out all their other wonderful things there!
• See this inworld @ the ---> main store.
• Get your exclusive plushie here ---> @ FF!
• "Titans - The Palm Rest" from Kilik Lekvoda is L$400.
• It's also ---> on MP @ Kilik Lekvoda ...Lots of interesting furniture and things at the Titans shop (some are not available on MP)!
• Available @ ---> inworld main store.
• Find this and more ---> @ FF!
Beautiful Light of Valoth!
Oh, no, OMG! Why do I want all of these FF necklaces from Kadaj Yoshikawa of Harshlands (that I'm a HUGE fan of)?
• Only L$49 a try will possibly get me the "[HL] FF X Necklace - ULTRARARE - Demon" one from the "RFL/FF2019 100% Gacha - ADD YOUR STORE" that I particularly desire!
• A FF exclusive (unless it's being resold on the MP)!
• Inworld ---> main store.
• Try your luck here ---> @ FF!
Oh, I l♥ve Boudoir too!
• This FF exclusive is "Wearable Flying Book" from Precious Restless and is L$150.
• This is ---> the MP store for Boudoir.
• Inworld ---> store.
• Get yours ---> only @ FF! ...Love the moving cloudy/starry water on display here too!
• "Skull Moon" is also from Precious Restless for L$250
• Not available on MP (maybe too new?), but this is ---> Boudoir.
• Available @ ---> inworld store.
• Get it ---> @ FF!
...Have you ever wondered where to get those life-like swaying plants from?
• ".Lunaria. Lavender Meadow" from рίхίε (larinda.ravenheart) is only L$50.
• This is available ---> on MP from .Lunaria..
• Display and purchase also available @ ---> store.
• Get it & see the display ---> @ FF!
...Now, how in the world can we search for foliage that sways and accept that as life-like and desirable... yet seek out plastered on mesh hair?
Come on, animesh hair! LOL!
...And onto The Shrine Tree!
...Greetings, The Shrine Tree whisps and live dragons!
Nice, simple, colorful eyelashes!
• "Mystic Lashes Mainstore" gets you "Mystic Lashes" from Raven Bell for L$150.
• Not available on MP, but this is ---> the MP store, Raven Bell.
• Available @ ---> inworld main store.
• Get it here ---> @ FF!
And, WTH? Wow, I had to actually *make* my long braid... now there's a Bento one that will match the color of my bangs?
• Wow, also from Raven Bell is "Bento Braid - Fatpack" for L$650.
• Sadly, not on MP, but this is ---> the MP store, Raven Bell.
• Available @ ---> inworld main store.
• Get yours here ---> @ FF!
Demo, demo, demo, demo... I've been collecting them!
& LOL, I still have some from last year, shHhHhhh!
• This is a L$50 gacha from Corwin Lacourte of HEXtraordinary.
• Not available on MP (unless someone is reselling their leftovers).
• Inworld ---> main store.
• This is where you get the animesh dragons of The Shrine Tree ---> @ FF.
This might just be the closest new skin, to my old skin with the tribal tats, that I modded from a developer's kit for my Maitreya...
• This one is ":[P]:- Carvera Skin (Femme):// Grogoch" from Vae (aikea.rieko) for L$1,499. Also comes in different colors & is for both fe/male avatars.
• Found ---> on MP @ :[Plastik]:. Demo is also there.
• Available @ ---> inworld main store.
• Get yours ---> @ FF!
And now I would like to take the time to point out that Firestorm takes up about 2K of my computer's memory @ FF & that it's important to take very good care of your equipment, so that it lasts a long time when you're doing outrageously fun things like SL & FF! ...For example, one thing I have done is place a rather large desk fan right next to it so it doesn't overheat. There are other things you can do too if you can't afford to buy a new computer in the next century, but I digress...
...Let's have some more fun @ FF!
• "TLG - The Shrine Tree Reach For The Stars Vendor" (which I would love to have on Zamargad) is from Sharni Lubomir (sharni.azalee), of The Looking Glass, & is L$200.
• Not available on MP.
• Inworld ---> store.
• Get yours here ---> @ FF!
• "RFL Fantasy Faire Vendor - OFFICIAL v19" for the FF exclusive "TLG - The Shrine Tree Tapestry Tree RFL Boxed" is also from Sharni Lubomir (sharni.azalee) for L$100.
• Also not available on MP, but this ---> is the MP store, The Looking Glass - Sharni Azalee.
• Inworld ---> store.
• Get yours ---> @ FF!
• "[WoO] Nefarious Skull Mask (Blue Glow)" from Aki Shichiroji, the creator of badass avatars from Organica, has this for L$150.
• Currently not on MP (but other very well made things are).
• Available @ ---> inworld store.
• Get yours ---> @ FF!
• "RFL Fantasy Faire Vendor - OFFICIAL v19" yields "[ Organica ] Fresh Cut Roses (RFL Purple)" for L$150, also from Aki Shichiroji, & is a FF exclusive...
• So, obviously not on Organica's MP...
• Other colors available @ ---> inworld store.
• But get it ---> @ FF!
A bodysuit of stars!
• "E.V.E - Noctiluca Stars Suit [MEGAFATPACK]" by Noke Yuitza is L$900 (for a 25% discount)
• Also available ---> on MP @ E.V.E for regular price.
• Available for regular price as well @ ---> inworld store.
• Better get it ---> @ FF!
• "E.V.E Venus in Me [Cancer Ribbon Pack] RFL FF V - OFFICIAL v19" is the FF exclusive "E.V.E Venus in Me [He+She / Lavender]" also from Noke Yuitzai for L$199.
• Not on MP, but this is the store ---> E.V.E on MP.
• Slightly different She & He version available + demos @ ---> inworld store.
• Guarantee this version ---> @ FF!
• FF exclusive "RFL Fantasy Faire Vendor - OFFICIAL v19" gets you "Dragon Magick Wares Blessed Candle" from Dragonia (dragonia.decuir) of Dragon Magick Wares for only L$75.
• ...Be sure to check out her other amazing builds ---> on the Dragon Magick Wares MP.
• Other candles & more are available @ ---> inworld store.
• Get yours ---> @ FF!
Yay! I love a mixture of flexi and mesh! ...I mean, it looks that way!
...Unfortunately, there is no demo.
• "**Tir Na Nog** Rapture dress Vender(no text)" gets you "**Tir Na Nog** Rapture dress Wisteria" (if you move the arrows to that option) from シア (siarl.shan) for L$300.
• It is also available ---> on MP from **Tir Na Nog**.
• Available @ ---> inworld store.
• Get yours ---> @ FF!
...Onward to Thornfast!
...Well, that's a scenic sim (& I believe where the tabletop games are played), and I'm just more interested in moving forward at the moment...
...Hello, Genesia!
...Well, what do we have here? The silent auctions?
...And I could just cut to the next sim, but I'm curious why there are so many ppl on radar over this way...
Ohh, a dance club!
Okay, maybe laterz! :)
...And they still make it look pretty, even when you fall into the sea!
Thanks for making it okay to fly here!!!
...Onward to Bayounimba, then!
Hello, Bayounimba!
...Are you going to be a root climbing sim?
"Uhm, for a bit, yus, then I will become ramps above water, and then change my mind again! I will also confuse you with a lot of shops that have upstairs, and you may miss that!"
Ah, okayies, thanks then!
Why, yus, I agree completely!
...How lovely!
...These are fucking cute!
• Not sold on MP (unless resold individually).
• Gacha available @ ---> inworld store.
• Get these ---> @ FF!
• "~*SR*~ Toxic Shroom - Blue Box" from Gwen von Aurora (sweetgwendoline.bailey) is L$149
• Not found on the ~*Sweet Revolutions*~ MP.
• Inworld ---> store.
• Get them ---> @ FF!
• "~*SR*~ & ~*TD*~ Bayounimba Remember Me ~ Sapling Box" also from Gwen von Aurora (sweetgwendoline.bailey) is L$299.
• Not sold on the ~*Sweet Revolutions*~ MP.
• Inworld ---> store.
• Get it ---> @ FF!
BTW, I'd like to comment on how interesting animesh is... a lot of creators are using animesh models to market their wares (like skin, clothing, etc.)... It's absolutely fabulous, and a long ways away from the static flat prim display! ...And also thanks to Toady, who just did an animesh class. -That was perfect timing, right around FF, where when you can see it & understand it, you, therefore, appreciate it so much more!
• "(RP) Shae Skeletal Staff Hudded" from Passion (herpassion) is L$299.
• This is available ---> on the Roped Passions MP.
• Available @ ---> inworld store.
• Get yours ---> @ FF!
...Got stuck forever on trying to get every symbol from the orb ---> here @ FF!
I thought I was missing 2, 17, 22, 26, 27, 29, 34, 60, 68, 72, 73, 77, 83, & G ... but upon closer inspection, they were never put into the orb! So it leads to questioning whether this was designed to drive ppl like me nuts, create longer lasting traffic, or what in the world happened to these items the orb is missing! :o LMAO! XD
• Presented by Mystar Merlin of Star Journey...
• ---> inworld experience.
...The symbol prizes are textures on what look like tarot cards...
^ These are my favorite ones:
• "I Star of Austerity"
• "13 Magician"
• "55 Gate"
...And I think the skirt in this dress is just lovely! I bet I have a smexy corset that would go really nicey with it!
• "Bryony in Purple - RFL Fantasy Faire Vendor - OFFICIAL v19" is for "Bryony in Purple - mesh & sculpted floral vine fairy" from Tayren Theas for L$200.
• Available ---> on the Tayren's Fantasy Fashions (TFF) MP.
• Available @ ---> inworld main store.
• Get yours ---> @ FF!
...My baby was stuck in RL @ work... but he put on his follower, I drug him all around, & we made an awesome pack of 8 legs! ;)
...Goodbye, Bayounimba...
...Hello, Nightshade Blossoms!
...And Japanese style buildings!
• "1-Graceful Garden Globe " is from Lunar (lunar.tripsa) for L$100.
• Available ---> on the Lunar Seasonal Designs MP.
• Available @ ---> inworld store.
• Get yours ---> @ FF!
• ".:TT:. FAERIE UNICORN BRIDGE" is from Tylar for L$399.
• Also available ---> on the Tylar's Treasures MP.
• Inworld ---> store.
• Get yours ---> @ FF!
The sheer is classy & smexy!
• "-AZUL- Felka /Sugilite" (or any flavor) is from Mami Jewell for L$470.
• Available ---> on the -AZUL- MP.
• Available @ ---> inworld store.
• Get yours ---> @ FF!
• "SoG Goddess Psyche Shoes RFL FF Vendor" is a FF exclusive from Rox Arten for L$300.
• Not available on MP, but this is the ---> Secrets of Gaia MP store.
• Inworld ---> store.
• Get yours ---> @ FF!
^ (To stop the tears.)
^ (Because sometimes magic happens and the treatment works perfectly.)
I want to buy all of these beautiful glowing mushrooms...
...All from Ðɾäνєɾius Ðäɾklöɾє (dravenrose): some are discounted 20% for FF, some are exclusive only for FF, ranging from L$250 - L$499.
• In case you miss the discount, find some similar ---> on the 3rd eye perceptions MP.
• Inworld ---> main store.
• Get yours here ---> @ FF!
Onto The Celestial Plain!
Hello, pretty forest & countryside of fantasy creatures!
...MmMmMmmm, yup, another pretty scenic sim with some last minute gachas at the top of a hill and a place to vote for the king & queen of the Faire, etc.
Greetings, Department of Discarded Curiosities!
...That brush was actually moving back and forth, painting that house...
But it never finished *giggle*
...May all the houses have brushes & teapots, the sidewalk be an organized mess of papers, smoke/steam be rainbow, and the stairs lead up into the bottom of shops from trap doors to make it a little confusing --er, I mean, creative!
A big, huge thumbs-up to this FF exclusive from Jadziyah...
• Pink is for those who have more of a female avi, "RFL Fantasy Faire Vendor - OFFICIAL v19" gives you "Eclectic Stars - Sweetie - F*ck Cancer (boxed)" for L$200.
• Not available on the .: Eclectic Stars :. MP (but do check out the other wonderful things).
• Inworld ---> main store.
• Both are ---> here @ FF (including demos)!
• "Eclectic Stars - Zelda - Poison Ivy" (or any flavor) is also from Jadziyah for L$150.
• Not on the .: Eclectic Stars :. MP.
• Available @ ---> inworld store.
• Get yours ---> @ FF!
Spinning wind and kinetic sculptures...
• The Copper Leaf Wind Spinner is a FF exclusive from Liam Metaluna for L$99.
• This ---> is the Panda Panda MP store.
• Several inworld stores ---> Raglan Shire, Mieville, Store No. 1, Ye Olde Panda Panda Store, & Japanese TRC Mall.
• Get your something awesome ---> here @ FF!
Take your pick of these really cool dragon pillars...
• "The Dark Fae's Eternal Hunger Blue" is from Corvi Ashdene for L$250.
• Currently not on The Dark Fae MP (but do check out the other pretties).
• Inworld ---> small store with gachas and new items only.
• Get yours ---> @ FF (there's a purple one available via the quest)!
• "The Dark Fae's Handsy Chair Demon" is a RFL exclusive also from Corvi Ashdene for L$300.
• Not currently available on The Dark Fae MP (but do check out the other pretties).
• Inworld ---> small store with gachas and new items only.
• Get yours ---> @ FF!
• ":SHIVA: Celtic Beauty - May Queen - FF 2019" (or any flavor) is from Pixxie Snowpaw for L$250.
• Also available ---> on the SHIVA MP.
• Available @ ---> inworld main store.
• Get yours ---> @ FF!
Aha! I found these in someone else's shop and I wanted one so bad!
• "RFL Fantasy Faire Vendor - OFFICIAL v19 - SqFFL-Vert" gets you "VH Squishy FF Logo Vert v0.22 [BOX]" from Void (voidheart.mistwalker) for L$125.
• Here is ---> the Voidheart Mistwalker MP store.
• No inworld store.
• Go see this cuteness & get your exclusive Squishy FF Logo ---> here @ FF!
...Goodbye, confusing but pretty sim!
Hello, Sanguinely Garden, land of the Dinkies, where flowerpots are shops!
...This has gotta be my favorite table!
• "Aphrodite Harvest time dining room sets - Leaves Set" from Marina Ramer is L$950
• Here it is ---> on the Aphrodite Shop MP.
• Available @ ---> inworld store.
• Get yours ---> @ FF!
• "RFL Fantasy Faire Vendor - OFFICIAL v19" on the left gets you "*FF* Valari Spring" and "RFL Fantasy Faire Vendor - OFFICIAL v19" on the right gets you "*FF* Valari Fall" ...both are from Feyda (feydaann.ferryhill) for L$200.
• Available ---> on the Feyline Fashions MP.
• Available inworld ---> Valari Spring & Valari Fall
• Get yours ---> here @ FF!
• "Animesh Floating Fairies Gacha" from Katz Republic comes in random colors of black (rare), blue, green, pink, purple, red, white (rare), and yellow - 32 LI for L$50 a play.
• One flavor available ---> on the Bad Katz MP (and for a higher price).
• Gacha available @ ---> inworld store.
• Take a chance and play for less ---> @ FF!
• "RFL Fantasy Faire Vendor - OFFICIAL v19" gets you "*UI* Owl Clock v" from Eldo™ (eldowyn.inshan) for L$149.
• Available ---> on the United InshCon MP.
• Inworld ---> store.
• Get yours ---> @ FF!
• "TFF Watercolor Fairy in Blue" (or any flavor) from Tayren Theas is L$250.
• Here they are ---> on the Tayren's Fantasy Fashions (TFF) MP.
• Violet is available @ ---> inworld store.
• Get yours ---> @ FF!
• "TFF Spring has Sprung Fairy in Violet" (or other flavors) is also from Tayren Theas for L$250.
• Not on MP, but this is ---> the Tayren's Fantasy Fashions (TFF) MP.
• Inworld ---> store.
• Get yours ---> @ FF!
• "Purrdora Plants" vendor will give you "Purrdora Giant Tree" from Nil McCallen for L$99.
• Not on MP (but feel free to ---> check out the lovelies there on the FIN *Relive the fifties* MP).
• Inworld ---> store.
• Get yours ---> @ FF!
• "Purrdora Plants" vendor will give you "Purrdora Dead Tree also from Nil McCallen for L$90.
• Also isn't on MP (but feel free to ---> check out the lovelies there on the FIN *Relive the fifties* MP).
• Inworld ---> store.
• Get yours ---> @ FF!
• "*(FFC)* Fairy Lantern Shroom - Blue BOXED F" (or other flavors) are from Tamrielle Halderman for L$199 - LI 3.
• Not available on MP, but ---> check out the other goodies from the Tamrielle Halderman MP store.
• Inworld store ---> Bentham Manor & Fae Fantasy Creations.
• Get yours ---> @ FF!
Goodbye, Sanguinely Garden!
Thanks for being my Wildefleur!
...Onward to Faireholm!
Greetings, Faireholm!
...Welcome back?
...Is that a funny joke since this place reminds me of Wildewood? XD
• "Lunistice: Sparkle Hooves & Horns" (or other flavors) from Claire de Lune-Von (xrockinfree) are L$50.
• Also found ---> on the Lunistice MP.
• Available @ ---> inworld main store.
• Get yours ---> @ FF!
• "The Roleplay HUD" & "The Submission HUD" are both from Monstaar...
• RP HUD is L$999 & ---> on the *~Mythril~* MP store.
• Submission HUD is L$799 & ---> on the *~Mythril~* MP store.
• No inworld store.
• Get them ---> @ FF!
• "[WitchCraft] Witch Dress" & "[WitchCraft] Modern Witch Dress" are from Hella Helheim (helenabarrows)...
• Witch Dress is L$150 & is not on MP. But Modern Witch Dress is L$120 @ the event, while it is L$140 ---> on the Witch )O( Craft MP.
• Due to move soon ---> inworld store.
• Get them ---> @ FF!
Goodbye, Faireholm!
...Sim of the horse avatar stuffs...
Hello, Urafiki!
...Sim of teams, information, hope, support, and tribute...
...Pretty fairy place...
Thank you, Urafiki...
On to Trollhaugen!
...OMG, I'm totally reliving an old group of sims I used to belong to!
...Seems like another scenic/event sim, but at least I found the troll! XD
...Onward to Tensor's Flying Market (the last sim)!
...I think I found the Steampunk sim (and the quest sim)!
• "RFL Fantasy Faire Vendor - OFFICIAL v19" will give you the FF exclusive "*GUARAN-DOU* Bear familiar spirit Avi" from 0あすま0 (asma.harcourt) for L$50.
• Not on MP (but feel free to check out the other awesome things for sale @ GUARAN-DOU).
• See this @ the ---> inworld main shop.
• Get it ---> @ FF!
This looks pretty realistic...
• "/studioDire/ Bowl of Cloven Eye Crystals" from Remnant Ashbourne is L$100.
• Also ---> on the /studioDire/ MP.
• Available @ ---> inworld main store.
• Get yours ---> @ FF!
• "(KCF) Persephone - Purple - Kitty Creations" from Sadie Dubratt is L$175.
• Normally L$350 ---> on the Kitty Creations MP.
• Available @ ---> inworld store.
• Get yours for the better price ---> @ FF!
• "Druid's glade" gacha (featured: "Rivendale ~ Druid's Glade ~ Dryad") is from Riven (lrriven) for L$75 a play
• Not on MP (unless someone resells), but this is ---> her Rivendale store on MP with other goodies.
• Gacha available @ ---> inworld store.
• Play for a chance to get yours ---> @ FF!
• "RFL/FF 2019 50/50 Gacha - Dreaming Thicket" gives you any piece of the Mushroom Village for this exclusive from Nix Marabana for L$59 a play.
• Currently not on MP (unless sold individually by a reseller), but this ---> is the Kisetsu MP store.
• Gacha available @ ---> inworld store.
• Try your luck ---> @ FF!
• ".:SF:. "Anne" Tunic Dress - Vert Black" from Synjari Myriam is L$295.
• Currently not on MP, but you can check out other wares @ ---> Senzafine.
• Available @ ---> inworld store.
• Get your threads ---> @ FF!
• "~*MF*~ Rena Outfit - Fantasy EXCLUSIVE" is a FF exclusive from Myst (mystical.edenflower) for L$250 by one of the 50% off sections.
• Not currently on MP, but this ---> is the Mishmash Fusion MP store.
• Inworld ---> store.
• Get yours ---> @ FF!
• BTW, if you want it in "Autumn" (dark red), "Early Autumn" (yellow), "Summer" (green), or "Spring" (lighter green) they're going for L$200 by another 50% off section ---> here @ FF!
• "*pm* Rustic Woodland Stools" gacha is from Sohma G. Dawling (sohma.dix) for L$50 a play.
• Not available on MP (unless by a reseller), but this is the MP store ---> *paper moon*.
• Gacha available @ ---> inworld store.
• Try your luck here ---> @ FF!
• "!TLB - Adara Outfit w/ HUD" is from Drusilla Dethly of The Little Bat for L$250.
• Not on MP, but check out ---> The Little Bat MP store.
• Available @ ---> inworld store.
• Get yours ---> @ FF!
• "RFL Fantasy Faire Vendor - OFFICIAL v19" gets you the FF exclusive "!TLB - Apothecary Poster Set" and "!TLB - Katya Headchains w/ HUD" both are also from Drusilla Dethly for L$150.
• Both items are not available on the MP, but check out ---> The Little Bat MP store.
• Available @ inworld store ---> Apothecary Poster Set & Katya Headchains.
• Get them here ---> @ FF!
• "RFL Fantasy Faire Vendor - OFFICIAL v19" gives you the exclusive for FF "DCKM RFL Support Frame - Colorable" from Moon (vanyi) for L$50.
• Not available on MP, but ---> Kitty Moon is the MP store.
• Get it @ the ---> inworld store.
• Get yours ---> @ FF (where you can also read about her story + receive a free copy)!
Doesn't this fish look so real? My cartoon cat avi is just going to devour it!
In fact, this whole place has some very high-quality mesh of all kinds of edibles and daily furniture things...
Come see the goodies Katrina Kristan of OLD WORLD (MP & inworld) has to offer you ---> @ FF!

...And here we are, back at the beginning!
Phew, we made it!
And, oh, wow, am I sad it's all done!
...Seems like there were more Mesopotamian and Steampunk things this year than Renaissance (dragons & evil queen stuff), or is that just me?
Anyhoo, thanks for sharing the journey with me!
And now...
To put my favorite FF sim in my picks, in hopes to let it turn into a "Loading..." pick, to junk more posts like these into the descriptions I customize! Mwahahaha! ;D
Then go home and unpack...
Close the "Frodo & the ring" adventure on writing this epic blog post...
Go back and buy things I cannot live without...
And meditate until FF's gone forever, but respawns and morphs into next year!
WOW! Great pictures, just a super overview of Faire!