Tuesday, January 1, 2019


Never heard of TED Talks before.

TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less).  TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics — from science to business to global issues — in more than 100 languages.  Meanwhile, independently run TEDx events help share ideas in communities around the world.

Interesting.  Thank you very much, Strawberry Singh.

^ [New Year's] Challenge for you: invite inspiration in and watch all these short videos about how to be better at life!

Aside from the very awesome ones in Strawberry's post, here are my favorite TED videos:

Douglas Rushkoff on How To Be Team Human In The Digital Future
Why "Team Human"is so important.

Simon Senek on How Great Leaders Inspire Action
What, how, WHY <- so important!

Carla Harris on How To Find The Person Who Can Help You Get Ahead At Work
Interesting.  Performance and relationship currency matters.

Dan Pink on Motivation
OMFG  ...I knew it all along, but finally, someone has put it into a clear video for everyone!  Carrots and sticks are less successful than the intrinsic motivation of autonomy, mastery, and purpose.

Sir Ken Robinson on Schools Needing To Nurse Creativity, Not Undermine It
Yes, thank you!

Elizabeth Gilbert on Genius
Author of "Eat, Pray, Love" talks about the magic/paranormal of creativity, inspiration, and genius.

Amanda Palmer on The Art Of Asking
Dresden Dolls singer acknowledges and explains how understanding her crowd and asking for help, is certain to lead to more success than demanding money for a show.

Dan Gilbert on The Surprising Science Of Happiness
Interesting... That freedom is the devil against true happiness!  Talk about the grass always being greener... that thought process needs to go!

Amy Cuddy on Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are
Fake it until you become it... and keep your eye on the prize.

Julian Treasure on How To Speak So That People Will Want To Listen

Pamela Meyer on How To Spot A Liar
This really helped me understand people a bit more.  As "computer nerds" who may not socialize much, it's a good clue-in to reality.

Apollo Robbins on The Art Of Misdirection
Had to watch this a few times to catch this magic!

Chimamanda Adichie on The Danger Of A Single Story
They teach us when doing research or when writing an article, to get as many sides/references as possible... Somewhere in there will be the truth.  This is profound, and speaks volumes upon how perhaps even our own gov't can manipulate us.

Pranav Mistry on SixSense Technology
I think LL of SL should totally work with him, if they didn't already on Sansar.

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