Monday, January 21, 2019

I don't think you know what being asexual means

I don't think you know what being asexual means
If we can support the people who want to be considered gay, or are transitioning from one gender to the other... why the hell can't we support the asexual without discrimination?

They are allowed to look decent.  They are allowed to have goals.  They are allowed to be functioning and productive members of society.  They are entitled to their beliefs.

Sex does not drive the asexual.
...Yes, there's more to life than sex!
They aspire for better.

Do not need it, do not want it.  It's too much hassle for very little to no payoff whatsoever.  Especially if they've been living in this life for a long enough time, and have been sexually active enough to make an EDUCATED DECISION that's in everyone's best interest.

...Yet, you somehow MAGICALLY think that with persistence, YOU ALONE can change minds about wanting sex, being sexual, or wanting a relationship other than something that is just about friendship or professionalism?

That's NOT romantic, that's RAPE.  Congratulations, on being your own special category: plankton smegma predators of the Earth.  You advocate the very worst of humanity, not the best of it (which, the best, is actually what the asexual are looking for).

They're not telling you they're asexual as an excuse because they think you're "grody," they're saying it because they honestly don't want anything to do with it, and care enough not to give you the wrong idea.

It's not an attack on your looks or what you have to offer as a human being.  It's not a challenge.  It's honesty.

If I'm just an asexual human and:
•I got that promotion simply because you like the way my body looks, not actually because you believe I could do the job
•You're only talking to me because you like the way I look and think you can sleep with me (as I might be "an easy target")
•You do favors for me because of how desirable I am (or how desperate you are), not actually based on my merit or beliefs of karma
•You think your significant other needs to be kept from me, for fear that they would leave you
•You think sex is all I have to offer, or that I'm not better than just sex

...Then you might just be unfit to breed and need to be castrated or sterilized...
(problem is, that you probably already bred, and there are more of you with idiotic ideas lurking around)
Because this says a lot about your character and how you represent humanity.

Looks don't matter, past doesn't matter, nothing matters except the respect for what they tell you: no means no!  Listen the fuck up, people!  How many times do they have to say it?  ONCE IS ENOUGH.

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